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Two dead in new Ebola outbreak in Congo

Two people have died in Congo after being infected with Ebola. They are a man and a woman from the northwest of the country. They were relatives.

At the beginning of this month, the man became ill after coming into contact with an infected animal. Only after two weeks he went to the hospital and died the same day. His family member then became infected and died yesterday.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the two latest infections are unrelated to the Ebola outbreak that hit Congo in December. The deadly disease then stayed away for a few months.

Half of patients dies

Since the discovery of Ebola in 1976, there have been at least fourteen outbreaks of the disease in the African country.

People can contract the virus by eating infected animals and spread it among themselves through direct contact with blood, faeces, urine, semen, vomit or sweat. Patients develop fever, bleeding and headaches, among other things. Half of the infected people die from the disease.

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