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Turkish Previews of Bitter Earth: Gulten’s Pregnancy and Tragic Twist

Let’s discover together the Foreign Previews of Terra Amara, a soap opera broadcast from Monday to Sunday on Canale 5: here are the summaries of the episodes that will be broadcast soon.

The Turkish previews of Terra Amara will be full of new features that will keep viewers glued to the screen: this time all eyes are on Gultn. The girl will tell her brother that she has become pregnant and Gaffur will cry for joy! But let’s find out together what the previews of the episodes that will air soon reveal in detail 2.10pm on Canale 5.

Bitter Earth Turkish Previews: Gulten is expecting a child

In the next episodes of Bitter Earth some good news is finally coming: Gulten will get pregnant! The girl, married after many vicissitudes with her beloved Go ahead, as soon as she discovers the beautiful news, she will surprise her husband, who will not be able to contain his joy. The two, despite having spoken at night, they will want to rush to give the information to all their loved ones and, so, they will go to Villa Yamanwhere, in the meantime, Luftiye and Fikret also moved.

Bitter Earth Turkish Previews: Gaffur cries with joy

Everyone will joyfully welcome the birth of a new life and let it be Luftiye and Zuleyha will make beautiful gifts for the expectant mother. Fikretthen, will be particularly close to Go aheadwho he now feels like a brother, especially after Fekeli’s death. The most shocked will be Gaffur, who will not be able to believe that he is about to become an uncle, he too will burst into tears of joy. In short, it will be a beautiful moment, finally one of serenity and peace after much pain.

Gulten and his son will die, according to Turkish predictions

Unfortunately, the joy will not last long: indeed a few days later, Gulten and her child will be killed in a tragic car accident, which will also involve Saniye. There will be no escape for any of them and joy will turn into the blackest desperation. At the moment, however, none of the characters imagine what will happen and everyone will enjoy the fleeting joy of that moment…

Bitter Earththe much-loved Turkish soap opera, has been airing since November from Monday to Saturday at 2.10pm on Canale 5.

2023-12-09 15:30:06
#Bitter #Earth #Turkish #Previews #Gulten #Gaffur #happy

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