Home » today » World » [Turkey Earthquake]Taiwan’s search and rescue team revealed the latest situation!Rescue golden 72 hours have passed, life detector has responded, hope to spread good news

[Turkey Earthquake]Taiwan’s search and rescue team revealed the latest situation!Rescue golden 72 hours have passed, life detector has responded, hope to spread good news

Taiwan’s search and rescue team revealed the latest situation! The golden 72 hours of rescue have passed, and the life detector has responded, hoping to spread good news. (Reposted from Fire Department Twitter)

The Fire Department pointed out that Taiwan’s two echelons of rescue teams have completed their assembly today, and a total of 130 Taiwanese team members are currently conducting disaster relief operations in Turkey. The fire department also pointed out that the rescue team is currently in a collapsed area, and the life detectors have responded, and they are currently conducting excavation operations to destroy the column, hoping to have good news.

A 7.8-magnitude earthquake occurred in Turkey at 4:00 a.m. local time on the 6th, which severely damaged southeastern Turkey. The Taiwan rescue team dispatched personnel immediately to join the international search and rescue plan. The fire department pointed out that the Taiwan team has a total of 130 people in two echelons and has completed the assembly. The main search area assigned by the Taiwan team is in the Adiyaman (Adiyaman) area.

The fire department also stated that the search and rescue team entered the work site L-5 and P-3 to carry out operations, but after searching the L-5 site, there were no signs of survivors, and it was subsequently handed over to the Turkish local fire brigade for processing. However, the search and rescue team and the Turkish team found a trapped person in the P-3 field. At present, the trapped person can talk to the trapped person through the life detector. The trapped person is pressed under the column. Currently, it is planned to destroy the column and excavate it. Carry out rescue and look forward to good news.

Since the golden 72 hours of rescue have passed, the outside world is worried that the chances of survival of victims crushed under the rubble may become smaller and smaller. In addition, it was reported that the smell of dead bodies had begun to waft from the site of many collapsed buildings. The World Health Organization (WHO) warned that Turkey and Syria may face a secondary health crisis, which may be more serious than the earthquake itself.

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