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Trump Mocks Biden’s Age and Blunders: Concerns about Performance and Mental Decline

NEW YORK (Dagbladet): During his public meetings recently, Trump used to do an imitation of Biden to great cheers from his loyal followers. Here, Trump makes fun of Biden by pretending to be very confused, stammering, mumbling and subbing around the stage like an old and frail man.

Biden, who will be 82 years old if he wins re-election next year. His age is constantly highlighted as a weakness both by political opponents, but also within the Democratic Party there is considerable concern. However, Trump, who is clearly leading the Republican race to become the party’s presidential candidate, is only a few years younger.

Could ruin dad

Recently, Trump has also committed several conspicuous blunders, which have caused his Republican challengers to claim that they see signs that his performance has weakened, writes New York Times.

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Wrong city

On Sunday, for example, Trump was in Sioux City, Iowa, to hold a public meeting. There he thanked the followers in Sioux Falls, which is a city in South Dakota twelve miles away. The ex-president only corrected the mistake after he was taken aside and told about it.

At another rally earlier this month, Trump tried to make fun of Biden by pretending he got Iowa and Idaho wrong and needed an aide to correct the mistake.

In recent weeks, Trump has also told his supporters that they do not need to vote. He has claimed that he beat former President Barack Obama in an election. He has claimed that the United States is on the brink of World War II. He has claimed that Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban is “the leader of Turkey”.

He has also attacked Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, while praising the militant Hezbollah movement in Lebanon. He has also repeatedly mispronounced the name of the Palestinian organization Hamas so that it has sounded like he has called them “hummus”.

– Not so fast

– This is a different Donald Trump than in 2015 and 2016. He is no longer so quick. In 2016, he spoke without inhibitions. He was everywhere in the country. Now it’s just a different guy. And it’s sad to see, says Florida governor and Republican presidential candidate, Ron DeSantis, according to Mediate.

Burn it all down!

– And what Trump is doing now is that he is married to the teleprompter. He can’t do without that teleprompter. Every time he does, he says things like “don’t vote,” the Florida governor claims.

Another Republican presidential candidate, Nikki Haley (51), started her election campaign earlier this year by advocating a mental test for all presidential candidates over the age of 75. She has been advocating this again recently.

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On Saturday, she was in Las Vegas attacking Trump’s comments about Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and Hezbollah, suggesting the former president is not sharp enough to move back into the White House.

– Let me remind you – with all due respect – I am not confused, she said to donors, according to the New York Times.

Biden’s election campaign organization has also included clippings Social Media of Trump’s pronunciation of Hamas as “hummus”.

– A Trump, who sounds confused, once again pronounces Hamas wrong, writes the Biden campaign.

A lot to deal with

Old age is not necessarily the cause of Trump’s blunders. He undoubtedly has a lot to think about and is under increasing pressure and legal problems.

Recently, he has, among other things, sat in court in New York where he is being sued for extensive fraud by inflating the value of his assets. This week, sons Eric and Donald junior will also testify before Trump himself and daughter Ivanka must testify next week.

This case could potentially destroy large parts of his business organization. In addition, he is charged with 91 counts in four other criminal cases around the country. Some of his co-accused have now entered into agreements and are cooperating with the prosecution.

Voted forward

– The strongest candidate

New polls also show that voters are significantly more negative about Biden’s age than Trump, even though there is only a few years between the two grandfathers. While two-thirds of voters say Biden is too old to run for re-election, only 50 percent say the same about Trump, according to the AP.

A spokesperson for Trump, Steven Cheung, points out that Trump has a superior lead in the Republican primary election campaign, and that Trump also has a small lead over Biden when the two are compared in opinion polls about the election itself.

– President Trump still dominates because people know he is the strongest candidate. The contrast is that Biden falls on stage, mumbles his way through speeches, is confused about where to go, stumbles on the stairs of Air Force One. It is not possible to correct it, and it will stick in the voters’ memory, claims Cheung, according to the New York Times.

2023-10-31 03:18:52
#mistakes #Sad

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