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Trump attacks Republicans who backed Jan.6 commission in flawed speech

In his latest bug-laden blog post, Donald Trump pointed to the 35 “wayward” Republicans who voted to establish a commission to investigate the January 6 riots in the US Capitol.

The former president misplaced his apostrophes in feverish punishment from the “Romney’s, Little Ben Sasse’s and Cheney’s of the world.”

The latest missive “From the Desk of Donald J. Trump” came after the House voted 252-175 in defiance of his urgency for the Republican Party to vote against the legislation.

While 35 Republicans broke ranks with the Republican Party to support the bill, Democrats voted in unison along party lines.

“They don’t have the Romney’s, Little Ben Sasse’s and Cheney’s in the world. Unfortunately, we do. Sometimes there are consequences for being ineffective and weak. Voters get it! “Trump wrote.

It is unclear whether the bill will pass the Senate and minority leader Mitch McConnell indicated he would vote against a 9/11-style commission on the Capitol assault.

At the White House daily briefing on Thursday, press secretary Jen Psaki called on Republicans to put aside partisan politics and “do the right thing” to join Democrats in supporting the bill once it arrives. to the Senate.

“This is not a political issue in the opinion of the president, it is a question of how we ensure our democracy and the rule of law,” he said.

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“So it is incredibly disappointing to see how many representatives have chosen to make this a political issue rather than doing the right thing for our country and our Constitution.”

Opposing the bill in the House, minority leader Kevin McCarthy told reporters that it was not like the commission in the wake of the 9/11 terror attacks because the Justice Department is already prosecuting the suspects and the Senate is already conducting hearings.

“I think a Pelosi commission is a lot of politics,” he told Politico.

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