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Triple viral vaccination: Mendoza has reached 60%

The Minister of Health, Social Development and Sport, Anna Maria Nadalargued that the campaign vaccination against him measles, rubella and polio It will be extended for another four weeks because the goal is to reach 80% in the entire province of Mendoza.

“We have departments with almost 90 percent, as is the case in La Paz, while the more urban area of ​​Grande Mendoza has less coverage, because we already know that it is where it costs the most, such as throughout the country, in urban populations ”, Nadal began.

And then he remarked that “the campaign of additional doses has been extended to see if the coverage rates can be improved. We hope so, because we must avoid the risk of reintroducing diseases of this type”. Four more weeks have passed. The goal is to reach 80 percent of the population. We understand that it will be difficult to achieve at this time, so we are working to improve over the summer”. And he anticipated that the national government is considering including this additional dose as a mandatory vaccine in the calendar at the start of school activity.

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