Home » today » World » Tremor today, May 13, in Mexico: 92 aftershocks of the 4.6 earthquake in Chiapas are reported

Tremor today, May 13, in Mexico: 92 aftershocks of the 4.6 earthquake in Chiapas are reported

At 8:00 p.m. (central time), the SSN indicated that 92 aftershocks of the 6.2 magnitude earthquake occurred in Chiapas on Sunday, May 12.

Furthermore, regarding the 5.0 earthquake in Mexicali, Baja California, 142 aftershocks have occurred.

Microseisms in Mexico

At around 8:00 p.m. (central country time), the following microearthquakes occurred throughout the country:

  • At 2:07 p.m. a 3.1 magnitude earthquake occurred west of Coalcoman, Michoacan.
  • At 2:39 p.m. a 3.3 magnitude earthquake occurred southeast of San Marcos, Guerrero.
  • At 3:08 p.m. a 3.8 magnitude earthquake occurred north of Manzanillo, Colima.
  • At 3:11 p.m. a 3.0 magnitude earthquake occurred southeast of San Felipe, Baja California.
  • At 3:11 p.m. a 3.3 magnitude earthquake occurred southeast of Casimiro Castillo, Jalisco.
  • At 3:13 p.m. a 3.2 magnitude earthquake occurred southeast of Casimiro Castillo, Jalisco.
  • At 3:18 p.m., a 3.1 magnitude earthquake occurred southeast of Pinotepa Nacional, Oaxaca.
  • At 3:30 p.m. a 3.4 magnitude earthquake occurred southeast of San Felipe, Baja California.
  • At 3:37 p.m. a 3.6 magnitude earthquake occurred northwest of Arcelia, Guerrero.
  • At 3:38 p.m. a 3.4 magnitude earthquake occurred northwest of Unión Hidalgo, Oaxaca.
  • At 16:46 a 3.0 magnitude earthquake occurred northeast of Cihuatlan, Jalisco.

Aftershocks of the earthquake in Chiapas

According to the National Seismological Service, until 2:00 p.m. (central time) there have been 88 aftershocks of the 6.2 magnitude earthquake in Chiapas, which occurred on Sunday, May 12, the largest of which was 4.6. magnitude.

Likewise, it was reported that, until the same time and day, 139 aftershocks of the 5.0 magnitude earthquake that occurred on May 12 in Mexicali, Baja California, have been recorded. The highest record is a 4.6 magnitude earthquake.

New earthquake in Oaxaca

The National Seismological Service (SSN) reported that a magnitude 4.3 tremor was recorded at 07:27:46 hours. The epicenter was 66 kilometers south of Salina Cruz, Oaxaca.

4.3 magnitude earthquake recorded in Oaxaca

Information from the National Seismological Service indicates that an average of 40 tremors are recorded in the country per day.

Mexico is a seismic country so it is important to remain alert to telluric movements. (Infobae)

Salina Cruz was the epicenter of a 4.3 magnitude earthquake that surprised the residents of the state of Oaxaca on May 13 at 7:27 central time (13:27 UTC).

An earthquake of magnitude 4.8 is recorded with an epicenter in Colima

The earthquake occurred at 6:03 a.m., at a distance of 56 km from Cd de Armería and had a depth of 10.8 km

Mexico is a seismic country so it is important to remain alert to telluric movements. (Infobae)

The residents of the city of Cd de Armería experienced an earthquake that reached a magnitude of 4.8 and had a depth of 10.8 kilometers.

Seismic swarm in Baja California: damage reported in clinic 10 of the IMSS Guadalupe Victoria

On May 12, more than 30 earthquakes were recorded in Guadalupe Victoria; the highest intensity was magnitude 5.0

On May 12, more than 30 earthquakes were recorded in Guadalupe Victoria; The one with the highest intensity was magniutd 5.0. (Screenshot of IMSS Digital Card)

On Sunday, May 12, a 4.9 magnitude earthquake shook the Guadalupe Victoria region, in Baja California. According to the head of the state’s Civil Protection, the intense earthquake left slight damage to the infrastructure of clinic number 10 of the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS). The bathroom, several walls of the property and the interior ceiling showed cracks.

The National Seismological Service (SSN) announced that at 00:53 a.m. an earthquake measuring 4.7 to 55 kilometers southwest of Ciudad de Armería, Colima, was recorded, which was 22.2 kilometers deep.

Tremor reported in Colima. (SSN)

Earthquake in Mexico: magnitude 4.7 tremor in Colima

Due to its geographical location, Mexico is continually exposed to these types of seismic events.

Preliminary information indicates that the earthquake had its epicenter in Cd de Armería. (Infobae)

An earthquake of magnitude 4.7 and with a depth of 22.2 kilometers took the inhabitants of the city of Cd de Armería by surprise at 0:53 central time (6:53 UTC) on May 13.

The National Seismological Service reported that at 00:31 a.m. an earthquake of magnitude 4.0 was felt 25 km southeast of Petatlán, Guerrero. With a depth of 43.6 km.

Tremor reported in Guerrero. (SSN)

Earthquake in Mexico: magnitude 4.0 tremor with epicenter in Petatlán

Due to its geographical location, Mexico is continually exposed to these types of seismic events.

Mexico is a seismic country so it is important to remain alert to telluric movements. (Infobae)

An earthquake was recorded in Petatlán at 0:31 central time (6:31 UTC) on May 13, with a magnitude of 4.0 and a depth of 43.6 kilometers.

At 00:22 a.m. an earthquake of magnitude 4.1 was recorded 47 kilometers south of Salina Cruz, Oaxaca, with a latitude of 15.76° and a longitude of -95.24°, as well as a depth of 17.8 km.

Tremor recorded in Oaxaca. (SSN)

Oaxaca registers 4.1 magnitude earthquake

Due to its geographical location, Mexico is continually exposed to these types of seismic events.

The earthquake was detected by the National Seismological Service. (Infobae)

An earthquake of 4.1 magnitude and with a depth of 17.8 kilometers took the inhabitants of the city of Salina Cruz by surprise at 0:22 central time (6:22 UTC) on May 13.

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