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Treasure Found in Denmark, Contains 1 Kilogram of Gold from 6th Century AD

COPENHAGEN, iNews.id – A man in a village Denmark find harta karun in the form of storage gold 1,500 years old. It also contained gold weighing more than 2 pounds or 1 kilogram.

The consortium of museums in Vejle, Denmark, Vejlemuseerne reported, this treasure was found in Vindelev, a city about 150 miles from Copenhagen. The villagers found this item using a metal detector.

Inside the storage container, there were coins from the Roman Empire among them. In addition, medals or medals were also found bracteates, which will be sewn to clothing and worn as decoration.

Among the bracteates, there was one that read ‘The Tall One. Allegedly, the object was for the ruler who ruled at that time or it could be for the Norse God Odin.

Reported from ARTNews, these pre-Viking objects may have been buried in the midst of an ecological catastrophe. In the year 536, a volcano erupted, creating a giant ash cloud that caused a famine.

Editor: Umaya Khusniah

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