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Travel in Saint-Chartres wetlands

The village of Saint-Chartres, Moncontour, was the starting point on Wednesday for a nature outing. Led by the Seuil du Poitou CPIE, it allowed you to (re) discover the banks of the Dive and the marshes.

The Seuil du Poitou permanent center for initiatives for the environment (CPIE) offers outings and activities throughout the year around nature and the environment. At present, our outings to the general public are reduced compared to previous years due to sanitary regulations but public interest is still keen, explains Sophie Grmillet, environment coordinator.

The valley
of the Dive
a small area
wet it takes

Interventions continue mainly in schools. Actions to raise awareness and discover biodiversity are also being maintained, with a number of people reduced to five due to health restrictions (1).
This was the case, for example, in Saint-Chartres, in the town of Moncontour, Wednesday April 28, 2021.
Sophie Grmillet took the small group between the undergrowth and the marshes on the side of Ayron (Saint-Chartres), stopping in front of the plants to explain their interest and offer to smell them, or even to taste them.
So raw nettle won’t sting you if you know how to take it on the safe side and it will even tease your taste buds if you dare to test it after crushing it between your fingers. Do you recognize that little taste of green beans? Sophie indicates the nutritional benefits of plants and gives some ideas for wild cooking recipes. A nettle pesto or comfrey fritters, the plant that proliferates your feet, should please you. Further on, the orchids still in bloom are next to the burdock, this purple flower that inspired the hook-and-loop tape and the Robert herb with medicinal properties. Equipped with her scoop, Sophie also presented the guests of the Dive, who were nevertheless well hidden.
These undergrowth paths are the border between two very different areas: limestone lands and marshes. On one side, the old quarries where bats find refuge; on the other, the marshes with many microsources. The Dive valley is very small seen from an airplane, says Sophie Grmillet, it is a small wetland in the middle of large fields of cruel crops that must absolutely be preserved.
Wetlands are necessary for drinking water because they purify it. They keep water in reserve and redistribute it in the summer, which quickly makes some rivers dry.

Aquatic environments,
big stake locally

Aquatic environments are a big issue in Loudunais, clarifies the young woman. This is the reason why some of our outings are offered in partnership with the Loire-Bretagne Water Agency (2), like the one today.

Site of the CPIE Seuil du Poitou: cpieseuildupoitou.fr

(1) For the next outings, the gauge must be revised upwards (new health guidelines expected).
(2) The Water Agency has put a consultation on water and flooding online (type Sage Eau Loire-Bretagne and give your opinion on your search engine).

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