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Traditional Distributors Rise in Online Shopping: E-Leclerc Leads the Pack

The Internet is becoming a real world of influences where 47.4 million French people connect every day, or 1.8 million more than in 2022. Mirroring the budgetary concerns of the French, sites offering good deals to maximize their power to purchase are popular. Buying guides and price comparison sites, for example, are used each month by 32% of French people and anti-waste sites see their audience 2.5 times larger than 5 years ago. The distributor sites are performing well, with E-Leclerc in the lead. This is what emerges from the analysis of “Internet Year”, presented by Médiamétrie on February 8, 2024.

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A notable phenomenon of the year 2023, traditional distributor sites are making a remarkable breakthrough in the top 15 E-commerce published by Médiamétrie. In 2023, with 39.2 million unique visitors, Amazon takes first place on the podium, followed by Bon Coin (26.7 million monthly views), and Fnac (18.2 million). E-Leclerc with 17.9 million unique monthly visitors climbs to 4th place on the podium ahead of Carrefour (16.3 million). Temu, achieves an unprecedented performance in 2023 with 17.4 million unique monthly visitors, a score never reached in such a short period of time by a new player.

Note, the youngest remain very assets on the canvas with almost 4h surfing per day. At the same time, the seniors aged 65 and over take their revenge, becoming the engine of growth. In 2023, in fact, there are more than 8 out of 10 (81%) to connect to the Internet every month, i.e. 5 times more than 15 years ago. And for the first time this year, the latter are favoring the smartphone to connect to the Internet and thus confirming the supremacy of mobile in uses. Indeed, 79% of time spent on the Internet is done on a mobile for all Internet users. “At a time when almost all households (93%) have access to the Internet and the population aged 15 to 65 is almost entirely connected to the Internet, we are witnessing a homogenization of digital uses which is increasing. extends to all generations. In this context, seniors appear to be an undeniable source of growth.underlines Catherine Poullet, Director of Internet Audience Measurement

2 out of 3 French people on social networks and messaging every day

In 2023, social networks and messaging confirm their power of influence on the web. 2 out of 3 French people consult them every day, a percentage increasing by 4 points over one year. And the multiplication of players does not diminish Internet users’ interest in social since they consult on average 3.5 social networks and messaging services per day. Among 15-24 year olds, this figure even rises to 4.4.notes Bertrand Krug, Digital & Press Director. Likewise, the time spent on these networks and messaging services continues to grow and now weighs 39% of the daily surfing time of the French (+3 points vs 2022) ; 59% among 15-24 year olds. So, when the average Internet user spends 56 min per day on social, 15-24 year olds surf daily 2h24 on social networks and messaging. However, the daily social audience is becoming more mature, bringing together a community of Internet users 44 ans on average, versus 41 ans in 2018. Finally, for the first time, the French use instant messaging more than emails, which despite everything remain a mode major communication. If community uses are progressing on the web, Internet users have not lost the taste for potential physical encounters. The audience for dating sites and apps is growing by 9% in 2023, frequented by 2,3 millions daily unique visitors.

Internet, trend accelerator

In a context of inflation, economic and environmental crisis, consumer trends are infusing society and accelerating on the Internet. Mirroring the budgetary concerns of the French, sites offering good deals to maximize purchasing power are popular. Buying guides and price comparison sites, for example, are used every month by 32% French people and anti-waste sites see their audience 2 and a half times more important than 5 years ago. In the same vein, the ultra discount welcomes every month 29,4 millions visitors, while second-hand sites attract 33,3 millions of Internet users, either more than half the French, over the same period. Finally, generative AI tools are gaining momentum and becoming more and more mainstream with almost 5 million monthly users.

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2024-02-12 14:19:58
#Traditional #distributors #buying #guides #perform #Internet

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