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Tracing the rest of the glory of the Pantura Line which was ‘devoured’ by Trans Java


North Coast Path (Pantura) has lost its success. In the past, the economy on this long road that connected areas in the north of the island of Java was booming

Pantura has been built since the Dutch colonial era. The road was originally initiated by Herman Willem Daendels as Governor General of the Dutch East Indies in the early 1800s.

Daendels wanted to connect the west to the east side of Java Island through a long road. The Anyer-Panarukan Road is said to be connected, which is said to have been built by the hard work of the Javanese people. This road was once known as Jalan Raya Pos. Until the 1980s this route was known as Coastal Path aka the North Coast of Java.



Coastal Path has been the main transportation road on the island of Java for many years. Goods vehicles, passenger buses, and private vehicles spill over into the Pantura. Along with that, the area around Pantura also grows economically.

However, the glory of Pantura has dimmed since the presence of the Trans Java toll road network that connects Jakarta to Surabaya. The number of vehicles passing by has decreased drastically in Pantura. They migrated to the toll road. The once bustling area has slowly turned into a dead city.

The detikcom team also tried to trace the Pantura Line to find out the actual condition of this area. The trip was carried out on Tuesday, July 12, 2022, starting from the Cikampek area to stopping in Brebes within a day.

Around the Cikampek area, the situation is still normal. There are still many vehicles passing by. Starting from motorcycles, private cars, several minibuses, to goods vehicles.

Life on either side of the road also seems to be moving. There are still many food stalls or just food cart sellers that appear. Moreover, there are several small factories on either side of the road.

Different conditions began to appear when entering the Subang area, precisely around the Camiang to Patokbeusi sub-districts. The intensity of the vehicle began to decrease. People’s lives and activities on either side of the road are not as busy as in Cikampek.

In this area, the detikcom team also met rows of stalls that provide karaoke, shaped like an ordinary house which was then transformed into a small hangout. Incidentally at that time the trip was carried out in the morning so there was no visible bustle in the area. The stalls seem to be still closed, and instead give the impression of a dead city because there is no activity at all.

In the vicinity of Camiang and Patokbeusi, the detikcom team first discovered that there were restaurants that were closed. In fact, at this time the former restaurant building was abandoned and not maintained.

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Watch Videos”Portrait of the Death of the Pantura Victory ‘Burned’ by the Cipali Toll Road
[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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