Home » today » Technology » TP-Link is preparing to embrace Wi-Fi 7 with the new range of products

TP-Link is preparing to embrace Wi-Fi 7 with the new range of products

A TP-Link has emerged as a global provider of networking devices for users and businesses. This is also assumed to be the backbone of wireless connectivity.

It intends to continue to provide an unprecedented internet access experience. As such, it is poised to usher in a new era of connecting in the home and business environments with the long-awaited Wi-Fi 7.

It will happen the next day November 14 in a launch event, where the brand will develop the functioning and key points of Wi-Fi 7. There it will show its devices that already have this technology.

The event will also serve the brand to reveal some of its designs, but also products never seen before🇧🇷 And you will be able to watch everything on the TP-Link official website.

Get ready for the connection revolution with Wi-Fi 7

The brand claims that the new Wi-Fi 7 comes to revolutionize the world of wireless Internet connections. This is because “it responds to the needs of the increasingly connected lifestyle of the population, in which streaming, the most sophisticated wireless networks and a greater number of data transmission applications have a prominent presence”.

You can expect improvements in wireless network performance, with technologies, designs and features defined as “far superior”. In addition to establishing itself as a “revolution for society”, it will be a trend in this field for the future.

The potential of Wi-Fi 7 is undeniable

TP-Link claims to be aware of the potential of this cutting-edge technology, so it will gradually adapt and equip its new devices with Wi-Fi 7. This promises to provide its customers with internet access speeds that are up to four times faster than the Wi-Fi -Fi. -Fi 6, 100 times lower latency and 5 times higher capacity.

Remember that TP-Link excels in products for home and business users. In these we find products focused on surveillance and home automation, but with connectivity always in the foreground.

You can watch all the news from 19:00 on November 14th onwards TP-Link official website.

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