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Top Tips for Washing Dirty Dishes and Removing Grease Stains

Tips for washing dirty dishes from grease stains

Washing dirty dishes from grease stains can indeed be a difficult task. Here are some tips that can help you:

Use hot water: Hot water helps dissolve fat and makes it easier to remove. Fill a sink or large bowl with hot water.

Use effective dishwashing detergent: Choose dishwashing detergent that is effective at removing grease. Be sure to read the directions on the label and use as directed.

Soak the dishes first: Before starting the wash, soak the dishes in hot, soapy water for a few minutes. This will help soften the fat and make it easier to remove.

Use a sponge or dishwashing brush: Scrub the surface of the dishes with a sponge or dishwashing brush that has fibers that are soft but coarse enough to remove grease. Rub thoroughly on the area affected by grease stains.

Use hot water when rinsing: When washing, use hot water from the tap or add hot water periodically to help remove grease stains.

Rinse with clean water: Once the plate looks clean and free of grease stains, rinse it with clean water to remove any soap and any grease residue that may still be on it.

Use air drying or a clean cloth: After rinsing, let the dishes air dry or use a clean cloth to dry manually.

Use lemon juice or vinegar: If the grease stains are stubborn or you still have grease residue left, you can try rubbing a lemon wedge or rubbing a little vinegar over the surface of the dish before washing it. Both of these ingredients can help dissolve fat that is more difficult to remove.

Clean the sink after you’re done: Be sure to clean the sink or dishwasher bowl after you’re done washing. This will prevent grease and other debris from accumulating in the area.

By following these tips, you will be able to remove grease stains from dirty dishes more effectively. Happy washing the dishes!

2023-07-04 16:18:00
#Tips #Washing #Dirty #Dishes #Grease #Stains #SuaraBaru.id

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