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Top Fruits to Relieve Constipation and Promote Digestive Health

There are several fruits that can help prevent or relieve constipation.

Here are some fruits that can be beneficial because they are rich in fiber, water and essential nutrients for the health of the digestive system:

Plums: They are recognized for their laxative properties due to their high fiber and sorbitol content.

Pears: Rich in fiber and water, pears can help maintain hydration and gut health.

Apples: Contains soluble and insoluble fiber that can help promote regular bowel movements.

Kiwi: It is an excellent source of fiber, vitamin C and enzymes that can be beneficial for digestion.

Blueberries: Like prunes, blueberries contain fiber and can help stimulate bowel movements.

Oranges: Rich in fiber and vitamin C, oranges can help maintain a healthy digestive system.

Apricots: They are a good source of fiber and contain sorbitol, which can have a mild laxative effect.

Mango: Contains fiber and water, being a delicious fruit and beneficial for digestive health.

It is important to note that each person may react differently to various foods, so it is recommended that you experiment and see what works best for you.

Also, be sure to hydrate properly and eat a balanced diet to maintain a healthy digestive system. If the problem of constipation persists or becomes a chronic problem, it is always advisable to consult a doctor for personalized advice.

Read also – The chair that can get rid of hemorrhoids and constipation

Hemorrhoids are dilated and inflamed veins in the anal and rectal area. They can be internal, when they are inside the rectum, or external, when they are outside the anus.

The causes of hemorrhoids are not fully understood, but they are thought to occur from a combination of factors, including: constipation, diarrhea, pregnancy, being sedentary, certain physical activities such as cycling or riding, weakening of the supporting tissue in the anal and rectal area and aging.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids can vary depending on their location and severity. Internal hemorrhoids can be asymptomatic, but they can cause painless rectal bleeding that is seen during stool or on the toilet paper. External hemorrhoids can cause itching, pain, and swelling in the anal area. In severe cases, external hemorrhoids can protrude from the anus, which can cause pain and discomfort.

Mild hemorrhoids can be treated with home remedies such as: eating fiber to prevent constipation, applying cold compresses to the anal area, and taking pain relievers or anti-inflammatory medications.

For more severe hemorrhoids, medical treatment may be necessary, which may include: hemorrhoid ligation, a minimally invasive procedure that involves squeezing the hemorrhoids with a rubber ring, hemorrhoid sclerosing, a procedure that involves injecting a chemical into the hemorrhoids to shrinking or hemorrhoidectomy, a surgical procedure that consists of removing hemorrhoids. See the sequel here!

2023-12-14 07:48:25
#Top #fruits #rid #constipation

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