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“Top 5 Best Hero Exp Lane Recommendations in Mobile Legends for Effective Split-Pushing and Team Support – UPOINT.ID”

Hero Exp Lane is one of the important roles in the Mobile Legends game. The main task of Exp Lane heroes is to destroy the opponent’s turret early, so they can rotate to other lanes to help the team.

The heroes that are suitable for filling the Exp Lane are usually Fighter heroes, who have good solo laning and Split Push abilities. There are several Tank heroes who are able to fill Exp Lane positions well.

So, on this occasion UPOINT.ID will discuss recommendations for the best Exp Lane heroes in the Mobile Legends game. So, for those of you who want to know, just watch this article until it’s finished!

Best Hero Exp Lane recommendations in Mobile Legends

1. Arlott

The best hero to fill the first Exp Lane position is Arlott. Arlott is known as the deadliest Assassin hybrid Fighter hero, because his Crowd Control ability is able to kill opponents quickly during teamfights.

Arlott can also deal great damage to opponents and has strong durability, so Arlott can be the right choice to occupy the Exp Lane position.

2. Lapu-Lapu

The best hero to fill the next Exp Lane position is Lapu-Lapu. Lapu-Lapu is very tough in one on one duels. Lapu-Lapu’s Skill Set allows him to deal great damage to opponents.

Lapu-Lapu is also known as one of the Fighter heroes who is strong in doing Split Push turrets and being able to clean the opponent’s Minion quickly, so that the opponent will have difficulty facing Lapu-Lapu.

3. Yu Zhong

The best hero to fill the next Exp Lane position is Yu Zhong. Most of you must already know that Yu Zhong has the Spell Vamp ability which allows him to regenerate HP. So that Yu Zhong can last longer when facing opponents.

Yu Zhong also has deadly Crowd Control abilities and very agile movements thanks to his Ultimate Skill called Black Dragon Form.

4. Glow

The best hero to fill the next Exp Lane position is Gloo. As a Tank hero, Gloo is very strong in one-on-one duels, because Gloo can deal great damage to opponents and has a high level of defense.

Gloo’s Crowd Control ability is also a deadly attack for opponents who are in the same lane as him. Gloo is able to provide an Immobilize effect that will make the opponent unable to move.

5. Tuesday

The best hero to fill the next Exp Lane position is Martis. Martis’ Combo Skill is very effective in killing opponents at close range, especially his Ultimate Skill called Decimation which can deal enormous damage to enemy targets.

Martis also has Crowd Control abilities in the form of Knockback and Airborne effects, and can become immune to Crowd Control attacks that opponents give thanks to his second Skill called Mortal Coil.

So, those are some of the best Exp Lane hero recommendations in the Mobile Legends game. Hope it is useful! Oh yes, if you want to top up Mobile Legends diamonds, you can top up Mobile Legends diamonds directly at UPOINT.ID.

Oh yes, if you want to top up Mobile Legends diamonds, you can top up Mobile Legends diamonds directly at UPOINT.ID.

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2023-04-24 17:04:19
#strong #Hero #Exp #Lanes #Mobile #Legends #UPOINT.ID

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