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todofichajes.com – Arsenal will listen to offers for Nketiah

In recent weeks, Eddie Nketiah’s departure from Arsenal has been making a lot of noise. The Gunners have always had the young striker, but it seems that they could now listen to offers for the English player, who will have plenty of suitors in the Premier League.

The Arsenal striker has a contract with the London club until 2027. In principle there should be no problem with his continuity at the English club, but for several days there have been quite a few rumors that place the young forward outside of Arsenal in the January market, if A good offer comes for him.

Arsenal’s interest in Ivan Toney would take away Nketiah’s place in the London team’s squad. If the Brentford player finally arrives at Arsenal, Nektiah would lose considerable importance in the squad, and therefore he could leave. His market value is 30 million euros, so the London club will not accept anything below that price.

2023-12-07 22:21:51
#todofichajes.com #Arsenal #listen #offers #Nketiah

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