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Today: Sunny, with clouds in the west, no precipitation

Today: Sunny, with clouds from the west

Today, the day will start with fog in places in the eastern regions, BNT reported. It will be mostly sunny. Maximum temperatures will be between 33 and 38 degrees, in Sofia around 34 degrees. In the afternoon hours, there will be temporary increases in cloudiness over the massifs of Western Bulgaria, but it will be almost without precipitation. It will blow weak, in the Danube plain and the south-eastern regions – temporarily moderate easterly wind.

Sunny weather also along the Black Sea. Maximum temperatures there will be between 27 and 30 degrees. The temperature of the sea water is about 26°. The excitement of the sea will be 3-4 points.

Great weather in the mountains too – it will be mostly sunny. After noon, there will be temporary increases in cloudiness over the massifs of Western Bulgaria, but there will be almost no precipitation. Mostly moderate winds will blow from the east.

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