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Tobacco prices, postal rates, housing tax … Everything that will change on January 1

the essential
Increase in the minimum wage, decrease in income tax, increase in tobacco, full reimbursement of glasses… Find out everything that will change for your budget and your daily life.

Smic, training, companies

The hourly Smic goes from 10.03 to 10.15 euros gross and the monthly Smic from 1204 to 1219 euros net, or 15 euros more per month for the 2.3 million beneficiaries.

The apprenticeship training centers (CFA) will no longer be financed by the regions but by the professional branches and according to the number of young people under contract, as part of the “Avenir Pro” reform of 2018, which had subject of a showdown between employers and the regions, who wanted to keep this competence.

Alignment of contribution reductions for creators of micro-enterprises (self-entrepreneurs) with those of other entrepreneurs, with a discount of 50% only in the first year instead of three declining years (-75% to –25%).

Tax-free bonus for employees (known as “Macron”): renewed but subject to the conclusion of a profit-sharing agreement in the company.

Health reimbursements
Homeopathic products will only be reimbursed by the Social Security for up to 15% (compared to 30% previously), a prelude to a total reimbursement from 2021.

The “angina tests” can be carried out by pharmacists and no longer only by doctors. These tests make it possible to know if the angina is due to a virus or a bacterium, and therefore to avoid the prescription of antibiotics in the first case.

Full reimbursement of certain glasses, dentures and hearing aids.

A defibrillator becomes compulsory for establishments receiving the public (ERP) of category 1 to 3, that is to say those accommodating more than 300 people.


New SNCF recruits will no longer be able to benefit from the status of railway worker, which is disappearing, but which will continue to apply to the 131,000 people who currently benefit from it.

The public railway group (GPF), built with three public establishments of an industrial and commercial nature or Epic (leading Epic, SNCF Mobilités and SNCF Réseau), becomes the unified public group (GPU), made up of five public limited companies.

The price of the pack of 20 cigarettes goes to 9.10 or 9.20 euros depending on the brand.

Postal rates

Post office prices are not immune to the increase. The green stamp will increase to 97 cents. The red stamp will drop to 1.16 euros, 11 cents more than it is today.

Taxes, taxation

Lower income tax: emblematic promise of President Emmanuel Macron to “yellow vests”, this drop of 5 billion euros will translate into an average annual gain of 350 euros for the 12 million households in the first tranche and 180 euros for the five million from the second tranche.

The housing tax: 80% of homes will be fully exempt on January 1 and the elimination spread over 3 years for the others. In 2023, no more households will have to pay this tax.

Childminders and home helpers will now be subject to withholding tax, which is the responsibility of the individual employer to implement, on the monprelevementalasource.urssaf.fr site.

Tax on commercial travelers, geothermal charge, solidarity contribution on wheat and barley: 18 low-yield taxes are abolished in 2020.


Cotton swabs for single household use with plastic rod are prohibited for sale.

Buffer zones against pesticides. As of January 1, safety distances will be put in place to protect residents living near agricultural land from pesticides, the government confirmed on Friday, December 20. They will be five meters for low crops such as cereals and ten meters for arboriculture or viticulture, said the ministries of Agriculture, Environment and Health.


E171, a food additive made up of particles of titanium dioxide (TiO2), used for its coloring and opacifying properties in many food products (pastries, sweets, ready meals …), a decree published in the Official Journal of April 25, 2019 provides for the suspension of the marketing of foodstuffs containing this additive for a period of one year from January 1, 2020.

Justice reform

Contested, this bill comes into force. The merger of the district and district courts will be implemented. The magistrates’ courts, symbols of local justice, disappear and will either be grouped with the TGI within “judicial courts”, or will become separate chambers of these courts.

Fighted by the unions of magistrates and by the lawyers, this reorganization aims to create for the litigant a “single door of entry to justice”, with the promise that no site will close.

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