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Tips for Staying Healthy during Seasonal Transitions: Expert Advice from Andi Makkasau Hospital Director

PAREPARE, RAKYATSULSEL – Seasonal changes or transition periods affect the body’s condition, making it susceptible to disease.

Director of Andi Makkasau Regional Hospital, Dr. Renny Anggraeny Sari, said that when there is a rapid change in temperature, the body will work extra, and conditions like this are prone to illness.

“There are several things that need to be considered in the current transition season, such as maintaining health, a clean environment, lifestyle, getting enough rest, eating nutritious food and regular exercise,” said Dr. Renny.

Dr. Renny explained the diseases that people often suffer from during the transition season, such as influenza, dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF), diarrhea and typhoid.

“Influenza can happen to anyone, adults or children. “It can even result in complications in babies aged two years or less, and also in those who are elderly,” he said.

According to Dr. Renny, efforts to cure influenza can be done by getting lots of rest and drinking water.

He added, apart from influenza, dengue fever is also prone to occur during the transition season, which is contracted through the bites of the Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes.

Dr. Renny warned of the dangers of experiencing complications from dengue fever. Shock occurs, heavy bleeding can cause death.

Symptoms of dengue fever, he continued, include high fever, nausea, vomiting, headache, spots on the skin, pain behind the eyes, muscle and joint pain, body weakness, bleeding in the nose and gums.

“First aid for dengue fever sufferers is to apply warm compresses to the folds of the thighs and armpits, as well as drinking fever-reducing medication and enough water,” he said.

Diarrhea, said Dr. Renny, is also a disease that must be watched out for in the transition season. The cause is viruses and bacteria that land on the food consumed.

“Including respiratory tract infections that attack the throat, sinuses and nasal cavity. “This disease is also vulnerable in the transition season,” he stressed.

2023-12-13 08:16:40
#Director #Andi #Makkasau #Parepare #Regional #Hospital #Urges #Residents #Care #Body #Conditions #Transition #Season

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