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Tianzhou cargo spacecraft will be transferred to normal launch every six months_Hangzhou Net

The Tianzhou cargo spacecraft will be transferred to normal launch every six months

Hangzhou network Release time: 2022-11-13 19:10

Xinhua News Agency, Wenchang, Hainan, November 13. The Long March 7 carrier rocket carrying the Tianzhou 5 cargo spacecraft was ignited and was launched from the Wenchang Space Launch Site on the morning of the 12th. The last “space express” in the space station construction stage has been completed. In the future, the “Tianzhou” will maintain a launch frequency of once every six months to form a normalized launch.

“To meet the needs of intensive launches, Tianzhou cargo spacecraft are produced in batches. The shape and function of the same batch are similar or similar.” Bai Mingsheng, chief designer of the Tianzhou cargo spacecraft at the Fifth Academy of Aerospace Science and Technology Group, introduced, from Tianzhou Starting on the 6th, the cargo spacecraft will carry out system upgrades, such as relatively large improvements to the cargo bay and a substantial increased cargo carrying capacity of the sealed compartment. the materials provided to the astronauts will be able to last for a longer period of time.

In addition, for the “exclusive vehicle” of the Tianzhou cargo spacecraft, the Long March 7 launch vehicle, the launch site is also actively optimizing the pre-launch process to improve reliability. “The launch site rearranged the evidence and adjusted the rocket test and launch period to 27 days, which is a full 15-day reduction from the first flight of Long March 7.” Zhong Wen’an, chief engineer of Xichang Satellite Launch Center, said, “Now the Tianzhou mission test, launch can be completed within a month, which greatly improves the rocket launch efficiency.”

(Original title: Tianzhou cargo spacecraft will be transferred to normal launch every six months)

source:Xinhua News Agency Author: Reporter Zhang Mimi, Mi Siyuan Editor: Chen Dong

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