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Three Dutchmen killed in car accident in South Africa

Three Dutch tourists were killed in an accident in South Africa yesterday afternoon. The minibus they were in collided with a truck, which then collided head-on with a van. This happened on a highway in Mpumalanga province.

A total of five people were killed in the accident, report South African media† Besides the three Dutchmen, two of the drivers also did not survive. Four others were injured, including a Dutchman.

Take responsibility

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Dutch deceased are a 55-year-old woman and a 21-year-old woman from the south of Limburg, and a 27-year-old man from South Holland. The identity of the injured Dutchman has not been released.

Fatal car accidents are relatively common in South Africa. According to the regional security department, 69 people have died in Mpumalanga province in the past month. This could be partly due to the condition of the roads, but according to a spokesman, “drivers in particular must take their responsibility”, he told TV channel sistance.

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