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Thor’s Helmet Nebula and Prominence Phenomena, Rare

The Thor’s Helmet Nebula and Prominence phenomena are the subject of scientists’ discussion. The Thor’s Helmet Nebula and Prominence are rare phenomena in the realm of astronomy. This astronomical phenomenon was successfully detected by the OAIL team (ITERA Lampung Astronomical Observatory).

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Get to know the Thor’s Helmet Nebula and Prominence Phenomena

Recently scientists were surprised by the Thor’s Helmet Nebula and Prominensa events. Apart from being rare, these two phenomena are also interesting. Each of these phenomena has its own charm and characteristics.

For the Thor’s Helmet Nebula phenomenon, which is also known as NGC 2359, is a nebula in the constellation Canis Major. A nebula is basically an interstellar cloud that includes dust and gas. As we also know that the nebula is divided into several types.

For Thor’s Helmet Nebula itself belongs to the type of emission nebula. Emission nebulae can emit light. This is because the nebula has a main component in the form of hydrogen gas.

Then the hydrogen electrons can absorb the energy of ultraviolet light from nearby stars. The NGC 2359 nebula is known as the Thor’s Helmet Nebula because its shape is indeed similar to the helmet of the Norse god, namely Thor.

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When scientists examined in more depth, this nebula has a size of 30 light years. The distance of this nebula is about 3670 parsecs from planet Earth. The existence of the nebula is due to the activity of the WR (Wolf-Rayet) star.

Tongue of Sun Fire

Apart from the Thor’s Helmet Nebula phenomenon, there is also the Prominence which has attracted the attention of scientists. For this one phenomenon is known as the sun’s flames. Solar flares are large features that stretch and form strands from the photosphere to the solar corona.

This phenomenon cannot be predicted when it will occur. However, for Prominensa, which occurred on February 10, 2023, this is quite large, even though it lasted for a short time. This is because the solar flare phenomenon has a life span of 10-18 hours.

Phenomenon Observation Technology

To be able to observe this rare astronomical phenomenon, of course not just any technology is used. In this case, scientists use technology in the form of OZT-ALTS ITERA to observe the Thor’s Helmet Nebula phenomenon.

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The detection of this phenomenon from the OAIL team. This team consists of Izatul Hafizah, Adhitya Oktaviandra, and Aditya A Yusuf. The observation of the Thor’s Helmet Nebula phenomenon itself took place on January 14, 2023.

Then for the phenomenon of solar flares, technology is utilized in the form of the Coronado Solarmax III 70mm f/5.7 telescope. This observation occurred at the wavelength of alpha hydrogen at the Sumatran Institute of Technology. By utilizing advanced technology, his observations can provide clear and accurate results.

As we have often said above, the Thor’s Helmet Nebula and Prominence phenomena are rare astronomical events. Because of this, this phenomenon is interesting to study in more depth. (R10/HR-Online)

This post was last modified on Maret 2, 2023 4:29 PM

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