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This Ojol driver is accused of a customer stealing orders even though it’s the wrong restaurant


A motorist is accused customer he stole his food order. Even if she didn’t touch the food and the fault lies with the restaurant. Here is the timeline.

Working as a food driver is not an easy job. Not only do you need to know the exact delivery point, but also keep the food whole and clean until it reaches the customer’s hand. But the unexpected can still happen.

As experienced by Malyasian bikers, Alrajdy or who is familiarly called Boy admitted he was shaking until he had an appetite after going viral on social media. It went viral thanks to his own customers who accused him of stealing food orders.

Quoted by mStar (05/11/22) the incident started when he received a food order last Saturday. After arriving at the customer’s home, the customer checks the order.

It was then that the customer realized that there were two missing orders, namely ice cream and café au lait. The experienced guy asked his customers to contact the service center.

Also Read: Ojol Drivers Help Customers Purchase Ice Cream To Get This Crush Praised

Driver Ojol accused of stealing food Photo: Facebook

At that moment, the client looks okay and asks Boy to leave. However, shortly after Boy left, the client posted a Facebook post and accused Boy of taking order the food.

The customer also distributed Boy’s photo and license plate. In his upload, the customer claimed he had to cancel the order when he got a driver named Boy.

After it went viral, the customer then contacted the restaurant. It was apparently revealed that the restaurant was to blame for forgetting to place the customer’s ice cream and coffee order.

The netizens who originally cursed Boy then moved on to cursing the customer. Fortunately, Boy is helped by an activist named Edy who explains what really happened to clear Boy’s name.

Read also: Wow! By ordering food online, this woman is cursed as poor by the driver

Ojol drivers accused of stealing foodOjol drivers are accused of stealing food even though it was the restaurant’s fault. Photo: Facebook

Eddy said it customer apologized on Facebook. But now, the customer has deactivated his Facebook account due to a lot of criticism from netizens.

Edy couldn’t bear to be with Boy, since during her day job she only received 100 Malaysian Ringgits or the equivalent of Rp. 330,000. Edy then gave Boy a new cell phone.

It aims to encourage Boy to return to his enthusiasm to make a living. Not only that, Edy also helped Boy pay the installments on his bike for this month.

“I am grateful that after sharing Boy’s story, many parties supported him, including the motorcycle taxi community,” Edy concluded.

Also Read: Beware of New Modes, Order Food Through Drivers Ojol ends up in robbery

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(raf / odi)

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