Home » today » Entertainment » This is the magic diet that lost the Jordanian artist Diana Karazon 35 kilos of her weight .. You will not believe what she was doing!

This is the magic diet that lost the Jordanian artist Diana Karazon 35 kilos of her weight .. You will not believe what she was doing!

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The star, Diana Karazon, appeared for the first time with excess weight on the Arab Superstar program.

Diana was classified at the time as having a beautiful face, but her apparent obesity would inevitably stand in the way of her fame, as Diana Karazon resorted to specialists in the field of obesity and nutrition in order to quickly get rid of her excess weight after releasing the first clip.

The first procedure she undertook was a “gastric sleeve” operation to obtain a rapid weight loss, Diana’s weight began to decrease after a period of sleeve gastrectomy, which made her beautiful facial features appear, a distinctive Arab beauty lies in her eyes.

However, she moved from the obese category to the full category, and this was not the goal that the “Arab Superstar” was seeking, but rather decided to follow the “water diet”, which lost 35 kg during the period of this diet.

And whose features began to appear, and “Diana” began to fascinate everyone with her slender figure, so whoever sees today’s picture will surely feel that he is in front of a girl who is depleted of beauty and grace.

And about the water diet that the artist, Diana Karazon, said, nutrition expert Mahmoud Afifi says that following a balanced calorie diet is the most appropriate for most bodies, but “Diana” her body was receptive to this type of diet, and the misinformation about him is that no food is eaten and life is On the water only.

Certainly, no body can live in this state, but the “water diet” is as follows:

The most famous experiment was the experience of the Jordanian star Diana Karazon, where she made several attempts to lose weight in record time. After the failure of the gastric banding operation, she decided to follow the water diet, which is as follows:

1- Eat the first meal of the day at 8 am and the last meal at 8 pm.

2- It is not permissible to rely on 3 meals, but 5 meals are better.

3- Make sure to have a glass of water at the beginning of each meal.

4- Make sure to drink 2 cups of water between meals.

5- Water helps to burn faster and rid the body of waste better, which makes the body lose fat, not muscle.

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