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This is Ministry of Religion’s Guide and Procedures for the Lunar Eclipse Prayer during the Pandemic

AKURAT.CO, The Total Lunar Eclipse or Super Blood Moon will occur on Wednesday, May 26, 2021 and can be witnessed in Indonesia. The eclipse is expected to take place from 18: 09-20: 51 WIB.

The Directorate General of Islamic Guidance and Guidance at the Ministry of Religion urged Muslims to pray the eclipse sunnah while still implementing health protocols (prokes).

“We urge Muslims to perform the eclipse prayer,” explained the Director General of Islamic Community Guidance, Kamaruddin Amin, as quoted by AKURAT.CO from the official website of the Ministry of Religion on Tuesday (25/5/2021).

According to him, according to the guidance of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, Muslims are encouraged to perform eclipse prayers, even in the position of a partial lunar eclipse.

In addition, Muslims are also encouraged to increase remembrance, prayer, istighfar, repentance, alms, and other good deeds.

“Taking into account the rising time of the moon in each region, the eclipse prayer can be done in the range after Maghrib prayer until the eclipse is finished according to the time above,” said Kamaruddin.

Because it is still a pandemic, the Eclipse Prayers should be held while adhering to the 5M health and discipline protocols: washing hands, wearing masks, maintaining distance, reducing mobility and avoiding crowds.

The following are the procedures for the eclipse prayer from the Ministry of Religion:

1. Intention in the heart;

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