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This is a food to avoid if you have thyroid problems

We know well how our diet is able to interfere with many processes related to our organism and our body. The foods we ingest contain some components that, depending on the case, can have benefits or can cause harm. So depending on our age, our physical condition and health situation, we need to know what to eat and what not to. In this regard, we will soon see why this is a food to avoid if you suffer from thyroid problems.

The problem is the quantity

Unless we are dealing with very serious diseases, such as important allergies for example, where even a single food can cause a lot of damage, the problem is always linked to quantity. In fact, only through moderation and judgment, will we be able to maintain a stable and effective diet. There are therefore foods that can cause various problems, especially if you overdo the intake. Once in a while it may also be okay to indulge in a whim, but the regularity of a potentially harmful action can greatly affect our health.



This is exactly the case with the consumption of peaches for those suffering from hypothyroidism and goiter, which are common problems related to the thyroid gland. A fruit like peach is an important food for anyone, as it brings various benefits to our body.
But for those with these thyroid problems, taking a fruit like peach daily is not recommended. In fact, this fruit, like many other foods, contains what are called goitigenic substances or, also called, antithyroid substances.

What these substances do, which is why they are called that, is to interfere with the metabolic process of the thyroid. Put simply, they obstruct the assimilation of iodine by the gland thyroid.
So for this reason it is advisable, in case you do not want to give up this fruit, to try to compensate and take foods rich in iodine, such as fish for example. If you can do without it, it would be better to choose another type of fruit.
Obviously, in the case of hyperthyroidism the speech changes completely, being a completely different disorder. Therefore, this is why this is a food to avoid if you suffer from thyroid problems.

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted who”)

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