Home » today » Technology » This cheeky copy of God of War is available on Xbox and deserves the award for the most crappy of the year

This cheeky copy of God of War is available on Xbox and deserves the award for the most crappy of the year

The issue of copies in video games is something as old as the sector itself. I’m sure many of you remember the PolyStation that you could get at the fair, at stalls like gameland o to Raffle Snacks. “Chinese” versions of the consoles that have also been extrapolated to video games, especially since titles for mobile phones have proliferated, where we are most used to seeing these fake versions.

But there are more and more people who are turning heads and start developing games that are not inspired, it is that they plagiarize all the elements and pass through the Arc de Triomphe any type of copyright. It is the case of War Gods Zeus of Childa cheeky, low-budget copy of God of War that, paradoxically, you can buy at the Xbox Store.

Xbox’s God of War? No Please

As we have seen our colleagues from Eurogamerthis game is basically a crude and cheap copy of the adventures of Kratos. As you can see, they trace the design that the character has since the reboot of the saga in 2018. It practically looks like a skin. The game, yes, costs less than 4 euros. And it seems like a lot to us.

What is it about? Do not expect the eighth wonder with the look it has for us. Basically, it is a minute-long experience in which we have to finish off incessant waves of enemies inside an arena. A kind of survival mode that ends when our character wearing Kratos’ skin is killed… or we die of boredom.

As you can see in the video that we leave you above, the video is an absolute botch. This full of bugs and doesn’t even have music or sound effects. Because he doesn’t have one, the Squire Kratos we control can’t even perform an animation to walk backwards, so he slides doing a sort of moonwalker.

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I know that the easy modes debate is very hackneyed and comes up especially when From Software announces a new game. But after passing Sifu I reflect on the subject, because several nuances have come to mind.

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