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“Third Year of Full-Scale Ukraine War Continues to Displace Millions: UNHCR, UNDP, ICRC, and WHO Provide Updates”

Third Year of Full-Scale Ukraine War Continues to Displace Millions: UNHCR, UNDP, ICRC, and WHO Provide Updates

The war in Ukraine has entered its third year, and the devastating consequences continue to be felt by millions of people. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), and the World Health Organization (WHO) have provided updates on the situation, shedding light on the ongoing displacement, socio-economic impact, missing persons, and global health concerns.

UNHCR Regional Director for Europe, Philippe Leclerc, speaking from Athens, emphasized the prolonged uncertainty and exile faced by those displaced by the war. The conflict has forced millions of people to flee their homes, seeking safety and shelter elsewhere. Leclerc’s words highlight the immense challenges faced by these individuals, who continue to live in a state of limbo, unsure of when they will be able to return home.

Jaco Cilliers, UNDP Resident Representative in Ukraine, discussed the socio-economic impact of the war. He also mentioned a new report launched by UNDP that focuses on micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and proposes a possible way forward for recovery. The report sheds light on the devastating effects of the conflict on businesses and offers insights into how these enterprises can rebuild and contribute to the recovery of the country’s economy.

Dusan Vujasanin, Head of the Central Tracing Agency bureau for the international armed conflict between Russia and Ukraine at ICRC, provided a briefing on their work with regards to missing persons in the conflict. The war has resulted in numerous cases of missing individuals, causing immense pain and anguish for their families. Vujasanin’s update highlights the efforts made by ICRC to trace and reunite families, offering a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos and uncertainty.

The World Health Organization, represented by Tarik Jašarević and Dr. Natasha Crowcroft, Senior Technical Adviser for Measles and Rubella, provided updates on two pressing global health concerns. Firstly, they discussed the global measles situation, emphasizing the importance of vaccination and the need for increased efforts to control and eliminate the disease. Secondly, they touched upon the situation in Gaza, where access to healthcare is severely limited due to the ongoing conflict. Their updates shed light on the urgent need for improved healthcare infrastructure and support in these areas.

As the war in Ukraine enters its third year, it is crucial to keep a spotlight on the ongoing challenges faced by millions of displaced individuals. The updates provided by UNHCR, UNDP, ICRC, and WHO serve as a reminder of the urgent need for continued support and assistance to those affected by the conflict. It is only through collective efforts and international cooperation that a path towards recovery and stability can be forged.


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