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Thionville. IUT Council: strengthened governance

Elected for the first time the presidency of the IUT Thionville/Yutz eighteen months ago, Emmanuel Bertin retained his seat in the last elections of the university establishment, by twenty-three votes out of twenty-six. He is therefore entrusted with a new three-year mission, a mission that Pierre Cuny’s Education Assistant shares this time with Claire Christnacker-Thil, Vice-President.

Why a pair?

Emmanuel Bertin “Our joint approach aims to embody an alliance between institutional and economic representatives, in order to enrich the governance of the IUT and increase efficiency. Our backgrounds are complementary: experience of public policies and representative mandates for me, experience of business management and consular mandate for Claire. »

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Your objectives for the IUT?

Claire CHRISTNACKER-THING : “Support the implementation of the BUT (University Bachelor of Technology), by promoting work-study programs and facilitating the implementation of local adaptations: partnerships, meetings and relations with companies. »

E.B. “It’s also about improving student life and developing the supply of student accommodation. »

Precisely, what are the prospects for housing more students?

E.B. : “At the end of the reform of the IUT, we will go from 450 to 750 students at the IUT. Adding the others from the Faculty of Law, Ifsi, the Welding Institute, Saint-Vincent-de-Paul… there will be some 1,500 students in Thionville-Yutz at the end of the mandate. Several projects are underway to produce 250 to 300 accommodations meeting different needs: general reception, construction of student residences, suitable accommodation for foreign students, work-study students or guest researchers. »

What’s new for the next school year?

C. C.-T. : “A new path in medical and biotechnical biology, within the Biological Engineering sector. And for 2023, we would like to duplicate the promotion of the Hygiene Safety Environment (HSE) sector, which is facing strong demand. »

Investments in sight?

E.B. : “In the first instance, the acquisition of equipment. And in the more distant future, the extension of the building. We will push the sheep in charge of eco-grazing a little [rires]. In this regard, these sheep save us 17,000 euros annually on lawn mowing and maintenance. »

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