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They saw up close how Mark Rutte dealt with important files

NOS Newsyesterday, 20:04

Tomorrow Mark Rutte will become the longest serving Prime Minister of the Netherlands. In the nearly twelve years that he reigns, Rutte has had personal contact with countless citizens. We spoke to four of them. How did they experience their contact with the Prime Minister? How is he in contact with each other? And how do they feel about him now?

In the videos below, MH17 survivor Sander van Luik, victim of the benefits affair Kristie Rongen and victims of the earthquakes in Groningen Leo Steenstra and Tamara Ottens talk about their contact with Rutte.

  • Victims of earthquakes: ‘Knock your fist on the table once’

  • Duped allowance affair: ‘He is not called Teflon Mark for nothing’

  • Relative of MH17: ‘He feels responsible for us’


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