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They propose greater coordination in agricultural research and production in the country

The scientific system investigates issues other than those demanded by agriculture and, while yield, genetics and grain quality were investigated in the four most important crops, producers demanded information on adversity control, according to a study by the University of Buenos Aires (UBA).

In the last two decades, science has addressed issues other than those demanded by producers, which is why greater coordination between both sectors would be necessary, concluded a study by the Faculty of Agronomy of the UBA (Fauba) on scientific research related to the agro.

“Agricultural production has always been nourished by advances in science. That is why I analyzed the characteristics of the national agricultural scientific and technological system, and observed its link with the production of wheat, corn, soybeans and sunflower”, explained Diego Rotili in the framework of his master’s thesis in Agribusiness at the Alberto Soriano de la Fauba Graduate School.

According to Rotili, while science mostly investigated the yield, genetics and industrial quality of crops, a sector of agricultural producers required information related to the control of adversities – pests, weeds and diseases – and the fertilization of crops, consigned the publication On Earth of the house of higher studies

“There is a demand from agricultural producers that it would be very good to satisfy. In the future, the ideal is to try to create spaces in which producers and researchers get together and interact more and better,” reflected Rotili, professor of the Cerealiculture department. .

For the specialist, “in the case of wheat, corn and sunflower, Argentina contributes scientific works in a proportional way to the volumes it produces of each one, while for soybeans this relationship is modified”.

“Argentina on a world scale is the main exporter of soybean meal and oil, and the third largest exporter of grain, however it only generates 3% of scientific articles on the crop”, revealed Rotili.

On the other hand, he pointed out that between 2000 and 2018, 175 different organizations produced agricultural scientific knowledge and remarked that only five generated more than half of the jobs.

“The national universities as a whole, led by the UBA, were the ones that published the most studies; later, the Conicet and the INTA followed; there were also numerous collaborations between national entities and foreign institutions from more than 80 countries; in particular, with the United States, Brazil and Spain “, he completed. (Télam)

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