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They hire workers to toil at half the rate. Ukrainian intermediaries use wage dumping

As he explained in an interview with money.pl Yuriy Karyagin, chairman of the Workers’ Union Ukrainian in Poland, intermediaries are natural persons who have registered business activities in Ukraine. They work in concert with small construction companies in Poland, mainly subcontractors on large construction sites.

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Ukrainians work for half the rate

Ukraine is not a member of the European Union and EU directives are not in force there. Therefore, Ukrainian employers do not have to pay employees referred to work abroad, the rates of the host country, i.e. in this case Polish.

Immigrants from the East did not fill the gaps in the Polish labor market

“All they have to do is pay them 30% of the average monthly price salary in a given voivodeship where they will be employed, i.e. approx. 2 thousand zloty. This is the Polish law. Meanwhile, in Ukraine, the equivalent of 2 thousand. PLN is the local national average “- we read in money.pl. For comparison minimum wage with our neighbors it is PLN 850.

– Ukrainian regulations allow you to post your own employees abroad for a maximum of 12 months – explained Karyagin in an interview with the portal. – Mainly young, inexperienced people who have not been to Poland before are on loan. Usually it’s their first time so they are happy to have a job and earnings and free transport from and to the country – added the unionist.

Wage dumping is not that simple

Andrzej Radzikowski, the chairman of the OPZZ, emphasized in an interview with money.pl that wage dumping is prohibited in Poland, but very difficult to prove. – The system is usually very hermetic, there is a conspiracy of silence. Everyone benefits: an intermediary, a Polish construction company, and least of all a Ukrainian employee – commented Radzikowski and added that only those employees who usually have nothing to lose because they have been deceived come to the OPZZ to complain.

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However, Monika Fedorczuk, a labor market expert from the Confederation of Employers Lewiatan, stated in an interview with the portal that Polish regulations protect our labor market against abuses. In addition, the procedures related to the posting of workers from outside the EU to Poland are – according to the expert – quite complicated and time-consuming.

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