Home » today » News » “They heat up and explode”: firefighters in New York warn of dangers of lithium batteries in some devices | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

“They heat up and explode”: firefighters in New York warn of dangers of lithium batteries in some devices | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

produced a chase on foot,a suspect is shortcustody and they are looking forother.no injuries are reported.new york fire department eniaan alert for the dangers oflithium batteries anddangers for the last ías.This type of battery isused in various electronicsdaily.berenice: several batteries ofThese e-bikes areset fire in the lastYou go, be careful because your cell phoneit could be the next.I know this thingskateboard explored inside hisbusiness.fortunately he was inthe store where you have soldbikes 20 years.assures that it is not a caseisolated.>> problems have occurredon an electric bike, aboutwarm up and ex.berenice: the department ofnew york firefighters coloóin social networks photographsof the four fires that arehave registered in the lastweek, all with batting oflithium.How many years is it due to abatted?>> the battery has an average of2 years, depending on the useif not.a battery begins towarm up and it’s an intoma thatit’s a problem.in a burned whenwires stick together, start tosmell burned and that’s how it occursa short circuit inside thebatted. if it startsmelt, discard it because itcan produce an exlocón.Berenice: with the other laugh thebad original charger, nodo it next to gasoline,not on top of a stove orHeater. this applies totablets, computers andcell phones too.>> there are people who put itunder the pillow and that’s itBerenice: jealous toobefore sleep.this food delivery man saysthat although his batting is herenew, he has prepared.>> the battery is unloadedfast.berenice: the elementary wing, in

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