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“They don’t care about the health of others”

He goes out to run errands and meets his patient sitting at a bar table in Palo del Colle. Too bad, however, that the woman was in trustee home isolation pending the outcome of the swab.

According to general practitioners there are many patients who do not respect isolation, deciding to go shopping or to go to work, despite the state of their health is not clear.

“It was a voluntary fiduciary isolation, because she came in contact with a positive for the coronavirus. When I saw her – says the doctor – she denied knowing me and when I called her to tell her that the swab was negative she stressed that she had never met me ”.

“The thing that angers me most – explains the doctor – is that she herself had decided to put herself in home isolation so as not to trigger the chain of infections if it was positive. Instead, I found her sitting at the bar. But like her, there are many others who do it ”.

We remember the couple from Valenzano. An opposition councilor of the Municipality denounced the lack of attention on the part of the two who, pending the return of the swab, still decided to go out without wearing a mask and putting friends and acquaintances at risk since then the outcome was positive.

It is the same doctors, at times, who report the lack of attention of their patients. “This is not the first time this has happened. Talking about it with my colleagues – continues the family doctor – several times it happened to meet patients who in reality should be in fiduciary home isolation or waiting for the result of the swab “.

“A patient of mine – she concludes – just today called me to warn me that she and her husband have gone into isolation. The reason is linked to the fact that a colleague of hers went to work despite having come into contact with a positive “.

Poor attention to public health is perhaps the main cause of the spread of the coronavirus. Home isolation is only 14 days, very few compared to the past two months of lockdown.

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