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these can be very useful

The timeline Twitter is a world of infinite possibilities. You can follow your closest friends or your favorite actress. A news and current events media or spelling accounts.

But what you may not know is that there are a lot of bots in the little bird social network. And although we generally associate this word with something negative, in reality some bots are very interesting and useful. By knowing how to follow the right ones, your Twitter browsing will be a lot more fun if possible.

What is a Twitter bot?

In short, a bot is something like a robot. They are automated programs that process instructions that follow a repetitive pattern and, on the basis of this information, obtain a specific result. Some work automatically, while others are manually operated by a person.

There are some rather negative ones, better known as spam. They are dedicated to following accounts, retweets or even commenting indiscriminately with the aim of increasing traffic. Others even impersonate identities of other profiles. But despite this bad spot and the fact that Elon Musk wants to eradicate them in his social network acquisition process, some Twitter bots have their bright side.

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The vanguard


Let’s put ourselves in the situation where you saw a video on Twitter that made you laugh or you found it interesting and you want to share or save it. But you’re not interested in the whole tweet itself, just the video.

Very easy. Reply to the tweet that contains the video by quoting @DownloaderBot and it will reply immediately with a link from which you can download the video for free and safely.


Maybe this bot isn’t the most essential on your follower list, but you will definitely benefit from it at some point. Despite the large catalog of emojis available on our smartphones, creativity has no limits.

Do you want an emoticon that combines the kitten with the glasses and device emoticon? Send them to @emojimashupbot and he will do the art.


Unconditional Simpsons fans, this is your robot. Basically, it is dedicated to uploading random screenshots of scenes from the episodes of the well-known animated series. Who wants memes to have this?

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It’s easy to get lost in the constant news in the Netflix catalog. Don’t worry, this bot collects them all. Then you just have to open the platform and hit play.


Using artificial intelligence, this bot adds color to black and white photos. A particularly useful feature for the more nostalgic who want to bring old photographs to life.

Mention him in a tweet with the photo you want him to edit and he will respond with the colored one.


If you’re one of those people who can’t resist the temptation to post a ‘365 chapter one’ on the first day of the year or are counting down to New Year’s Eve from the end of summer, you’re already taking a long time to follow this bot. . Every few days it publishes a bar that measures the trend of the year.

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