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These are the Differences in Symptoms of Acute Hepatitis in Children and Adults


Mysterious acute hepatitis is currently making a scene in a number of countries, including Indonesia. Hepatitis itself generally can attack anyone, both children and adults.

“Indeed, everyone who does not have immunity to this inflammatory liver disease is infected with hepatitis A, B, C, and E,” said member of the hepatitis expert committee of the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes RI), Prof. Dr. dr. Rino Alvani Gani, SpPD-KGEH. , in a virtual webinar, Saturday (14/5/2022).

The symptoms caused by this mysterious acute hepatitis are diarrhea, yellow eyes, abdominal pain, decreased consciousness, and an ALT increase of more than 500 IU/mL. So, is there a difference in symptoms of hepatitis between children and adults?

Prof Rino revealed that the difference in symptoms between children and adults may not exist and be non-specific because the symptoms are similar. However, jaundice caused by hepatitis is more prone to be experienced by adults than young children.

“There is no real difference in symptoms. Because the initial symptoms are relatively non-specific, namely diarrhea, abdominal pain, then there are signs of liver damage, yellow eyes, brown urine, and then further liver damage occurs,” concluded Prof. Rino.

“So the symptoms are relatively the same, both for young children and adults. However, for young children, jaundice occurs less often. It occurs more often in older children,” he continued.

Watch Videos “RSCM Doctor Explains Symptoms of Mysterious Hepatitis Occurs in Children
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