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These 7 Delicious Foods Can Control Bad Cholesterol If Consumed Routinely

Macassar – Foods with good cholesterol content are known to be able to control bad cholesterol. Please note, bad cholesterol levels that are not controlled can be dangerous for health.

Reporting from detikFood, Cholesterol is divided into two types, namely bad cholesterol or LDL and good cholesterol or HDL. Basically there is a type of cholesterol that is needed by the body.

Bad cholesterol is cholesterol that is harmful to health. While good cholesterol is called high density lipoprotein which functions to clean harmful cholesterol in the blood and bring it back to the liver to be excreted by the body.

Good cholesterol can be obtained by eating certain foods. One of them is egg yolks, which are delicious and easy to get.

So what other foods have good cholesterol? Check out the following 7 foods with good cholesterol content according to NDTV (21/2):

1. Egg Yolk

Some people say, egg yolks are not good for consumption for people who have high cholesterol levels and heart problems. During this time, eggs are known as foods high in fat and cholesterol, especially in the yolk.

But apparently, the high cholesterol content in egg yolks is a good type of cholesterol. Natural bioactive components in eggs that make them beneficial for health.

2. Olive Oil

There are two types of popular olive oil in the market, namely extra virgin oil and virgin oil. Both are distinguished by the lower boiling point of extra virgin oil compared to virgin oil, making it less suitable for cooking at high temperatures.

Consuming olive oil at virgin oil levels alone is said to be enough to help control bad cholesterol in the blood. In addition, consumption of olive oil can also reduce the inflammatory effects caused by bad cholesterol levels.

3. Nuts

Small nuts were found to contain good levels of heart-healthy fats. Some nuts that have been proven to be healthy, such as almonds, pistachios and many others.

In addition, nuts also have a vegetable fiber called sterol which is useful for preventing the absorption of bad cholesterol. However, the amount of consumption must remain in controlled portions and not excessive.

4. Fish

Fish has healthy fats that contain omega-3 fatty acids. This fat is a type of monounsaturated fat that can keep bad cholesterol levels below safe limits.

Intake of beef to control cholesterol levels can be replaced with fish meat which tastes good and is easy to process. One example of processed fish as an alternative to beef, for example, is the patty on a burger.

5. Soybeans

Not only animal foods, but also plant foods can control bad cholesterol levels. Soybeans are a food ingredient that vegans and vegetarians can consume to control cholesterol levels in their bodies.

Soybeans contain alternative fats that are healthy for the heart and can provide a longer feeling of fullness. Soybeans can be processed such as tofu, tempeh to soy milk and are recommended to be consumed every day.

6. Whole grains

Regular consumption of whole grains can reduce bad cholesterol levels to total cholesterol. For example oatmeal, brown rice to whole wheat.

Consumption of whole grains can increase good cholesterol levels so naturally bad cholesterol levels will decrease dramatically. According to nutritionists, this benefit is obtained from soluble fiber which can overcome bad cholesterol.

7. Vegetables without starch

Several types of vegetables contain good cholesterol which is beneficial for controlling cholesterol levels in the body. One of them is vegetables without starch which nutritionists recommend to consume more regularly.

These vegetables include cabbage, broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower, tomatoes, celery to carrots and many others. These vegetables can be combined with low-carb foods to minimize triglycerides that trigger bad cholesterol spikes.

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