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These 5 Foods Are Powerful to Overcome Fatigue Due to Long Covid-19, Easy to Get!

LENGKONG, AYOBANDUNG.COM – Post-Covid-19 fatigue is a real health problem, which needs to be addressed quickly and appropriately. A study from the University of Michigan revealed how some Covid-19 survivors experienced various complaints ranging from fatigue, body aches, changes in sleep patterns, stress, muscle aches, cold sweats, and shortness of breath.

Launching from Healthshots, although consulting a doctor is the right way, it’s also a good idea to start eating foods that can improve health due to the sequelae of Covid-19. Quoted Suara.comHere are five nutrient-rich foods that you can try at home.

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1. Spinach

Spinach is low in calories but high in nutrients that can increase energy. Through the content of iron, vitamin C, and antioxidants, spinach is known to improve overall health. Not only that, these vegetables can also reduce inflammation to boost the immune system.

2. Nuts

Legumes such as lentils, chickpeas, and soybeans are known to be high in iron, and are good sources of folate and magnesium to help fight fatigue. In addition, nuts can play a role in reducing blood sugar levels. You can mix beans with soup or mixed with vegetable salads.

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3. Seeds

Whole grains, such as flax, pumpkin, and chia, are claimed to help patients during their post-Covid-19 recovery. In fact, this grain has a good source for health. Starting from magnesium, iron, fiber, to omega-3 fatty acids. Eating whole grains is said to help protect cells from harmful free radicals. Not only that, eating these foods is effective in helping boost immunity, and prevent fatigue.

4. Broccoli

Broccoli is referred to as a vegetable that has healthy content ranging from iron, vitamin C, fiber, protein, calcium, selenium, to magnesium. In addition, this natural vegetable can fight anemia, build muscle, increase energy levels, and strengthen bones. You can consume these vegetables by roasting or mixed with vegetable soup.

5. Eggs

Eggs are foods that have a source of content that is beneficial for health. These include nutrients, minerals, vitamin D, folate, amino acids, vitamin B12, and iron. For patients experiencing post-Covid-19 fatigue problems, eggs can help increase muscle strength, bone strength, and increase energy. You can consume these eggs by frying or boiling until cooked.

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