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There is one last eclipse in 2022, stay tuned for October 25th


The sky has a partial solar eclipse this month. This will be the last eclipse phenomenon in 2022. Save the date and here are some things you should know.

A partial solar eclipse will occur on October 25, 2022. This phenomenon will be visible from Europe, Northeast Africa and Central Asia. Unfortunately, Indonesia was unable to witness this rare event.

Quoted by Forbes, Friday (10/21/2022), this partial eclipse is best seen in parts of Western Russia and Kazakhstan and looks more perfect from Central Russia with over 80% coverage.


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What Happens During a Partial Solar Eclipse

This partial solar eclipse phenomenon will coincide with the new lunar phase, which is when the Moon is on the same side of the Earth as the Sun and will not be visible in the night sky.

A partial solar eclipse occurs when the Moon only partially covers the Sun, sometimes resembling a bitten pie. For several hours, the completely invisible New Moon approaches the Sun and “bites” it.

The bite got bigger, peaked, then the Moon withdrew, finally leaving the sphere of the Sun that seemed whole again. The prime time of a partial solar eclipse is at the peak of the eclipse when most of the Sun is covered by the Moon.

Are partial solar eclipses dangerous?

Partial solar eclipses can only be safely observed by using special sunscreens or by looking at the sun’s reflection to avoid the risk of blindness.

All cameras and telescopes require a solar filter in the objective lens. Do not try to use solar eclipse glasses and then use a telescope or binoculars, as you will magnify the wavelength of the Sun which can damage your eyes.

When is the next solar eclipse in 2023?

Next year, the next eclipse phenomenon is ready to say goodbye. According to the astronomical calendar, there will be a total solar eclipse on April 20, 2023 which can be seen from the Exmouth Peninsula in Western Australia, East Timor and West Papua.

Almost all regions of Indonesia will be able to witness the solar eclipse. Some areas on the path of wholeness will even experience a total solar eclipse (GMT).

Quoted from the Bosscha Observatory website, the places where people can watch Indonesia’s 2023 total solar eclipse are:

  • Kisar Island: 1 minute and 5 seconds
  • Pietrarossa: 39 seconds
  • Biak: 58 seconds
  • Roswar: 57 seconds
  • Karas Island: 1 minute and 7 seconds.

Thereafter, on April 8, 2024, a total solar eclipse will overtake North America.

Watch videos”A series of celestial phenomena that will occur in September 2022
[Gambas:Video 20detik]

(rns / fay)

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