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Theme broadcast NOS about corona vaccination campaign | NOS

On the evening before the first people in the Netherlands receive a corona vaccine, the NOS makes a television program about the largest vaccination campaign in Dutch history.

The guests are representatives of the Health Council, the RIVM and the GGD, or the people who are responsible for who, when and with what will be vaccinated. There will also be contact with a covid department in the country for a meeting with experts by experience: patients and nurses.

There is live contact with the location in Veghel where the first Dutchman will receive his or her injection on Wednesday. Furthermore, the viewer is given a look at the department where another vaccine is being tested. Dutch researchers and test persons are participating in a worldwide study into the efficacy of that vaccine.

The presentation is in the hands of Rob Trip.

NOS Evening of the vaccination can be followed from 8.35 pm via these channels:

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