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Their wives died in 2022, now neighbors Cees (76) and Leo (86) are suddenly millionaires

Participants in the postcode lottery playing along with the full winning postcode is 1961GB the biggest award winners. Among them are Cees (76) and Leo (86), as shown last night on RTL4.

Cees was married for 51 years, Leo 63. “She was demented. She was brought to Our Lord four months ago,” Leo tells Quinty Trustfull.

“Incredible Costs”

Cees talks about the support he and Leo have had for each other lately. “You know what it is, you’re both in an empty house and everything has fallen out for both of you. My dog ​​also died three weeks ago. I had an unbelievable amount of money because we had bad insurance. And that costs a ton of money too . Then you have a lot of pain. And you can’t really tell anyone. You obviously have children who are there for you.”

“I’m proud of what I have left, I’m very happy, but that award should have come sooner,” said Cees, who received a check for €2,804,761m. He still plans to buy a new camera.

He had recently sold his cameras. “Because I had a lot of costs. That was a good brand too, I’d like to have a new one. I’ve always photographed a lot.”

Balloon ride or cruise

Its neighbor Leo won 2,604,421 million. “I don’t spend much of my life anymore. So much money. I wish I could have gone to my brother in law in Australia who lived there for 50 years. He died too so sadly that won’t happen again. I loved it so much but it’s that which is.

Leo dreams of taking a ride in a hot air balloon. “Or a cruise. And I’ve worked in Iran, I’d like to go back to that company to see what I did there. I still have enough stuff to spend money on.”

Last year, the €56.7 million Kanjer postcode fell to Reuver in Limburg.

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