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Theater pushes chair sponsorship campaign

The Mainfranken Theater Würzburg has developed a campaign that focuses on the soloists of the ensemble in order to raise public awareness of the chair sponsorships that are still available in the Small House. From January 24, the motifs designed in the auditorium of the new Little House will be distributed throughout the city and can be seen on various online and offline channels, the theater announced in a press release.

In an elaborate photo production, the theater staged selected ensemble members from the music theater, drama and dance categories in original costumes for outstanding roles. For this purpose, the performers exceptionally change to the rows of the hall, which is otherwise reserved for the audience, and assume different poses there.

The campaign idea

Despite the current renovation of the Mainfranken Theater on the way to the State Theater, the challenge of realizing the photo production in the Small House was accepted. This venue is located in the new extension of the theatre, which is not yet finished at the moment, but is the ideal backdrop to advertise the chair sponsorships that are available there.

Artistic Director Markus Trabusch explains: ??We want to show that by sponsoring an armchair, you can’t just label a theater seat with your name or a dedication. It is much more important that this goes hand in hand with art, because art should also be as close and tangible as the photo motif of the campaign in our house for every guest.??

creative collaboration

The result of the project was ultimately a campaign that includes six powerful and emotional chair sponsor motifs. The motifs were produced together with the photographer Nik Schölzel from Neu-Ulm. For the theater he photographed the performing artists over two days in the midst of the still prevailing construction site situation ?? a challenge even for the seasoned professional.

The campaign implementation

The six selected motifs will be used as part of a 360-degree campaign. The layouts are communicated via digital channels such as online media and social media, as well as via print tools such as posters and corporate publishing, as well as using out-of-home measures such as city lights and the LED screens flanking the new building.

Planned playout is from January 24th to February 7th.

Dirk Terwey, Managing Director at the Mainfranken Theater: ??For the first time, we can provide an exclusive insight into our new venue via the multichannel campaign. We invite our visitors to take advantage of this unique opportunity and themselves or another person to dedicate a personal armchair in the future State Theater with a reservation??.

The soloists are: Akiho Tsujii (as Elida de Coty from Call Mr. Plim!”); Barbara Schöller (as a magician from “Garden of Earthly Delights”); Mathew Habib (as the Crispy Witch from “Hansel and Gretel”); Actors: Jojo Rösler (as a duck from “Ente, Tod und Tulip”); actors: Georg Zeies (as Zwackelmann from “Der Räuber Hotzenplotz”); Maya Tenzer (from “Lotte’s Ballhaus”).

Further information and reservation options for a chair sponsorship can be found at mainfrankentheater.de or mainfrankentheater.de/sesselpatenschaft

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