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The Wife of Striscia la Notizia Correspondent Max Laudadio Revealed: Meet Loredana Bonora, Mayor and Mother

Many have wondered who the wife of the correspondent is The news spreads Max Laudadio. You will be amazed when you get the answer

The news spreads is the television program of Antonio Ricci which has been a great success since it aired for the first time on November 7, 1988. In total, more than 7,000 episodes have been made, a number that will tend to increase even more.

There were many hosts who took turns over time behind the counter on which the showgirls on duty performed. Among these we can mention the unforgettable duo composed of Ezio Greggio ed Enzo Iacchetti and then get to Michelle Hunziker, Gerry Scotti, Alessandro Siani, Vanessa Incontrada and many others.

The same goes for the satirical news correspondents which tries to give a voice to the people by solving problems, sometimes even bizarre ones. Vittorio Brumottifor example, is responsible for enforcing parking areas intended for disabled people and goes after those who openly deal in the streets of Italian cities.

Another correspondent who is known to all is definitely Max Laudadio. He is also an Italian radio host and theater actor. Viewers know little about him, so if you look online you can find a lot of information about him. The most curious have discovered who the wife is.

Curiosities about Max Laudadio’s private life

Max Laudadio was also the author of some programs for Disney Channel in 1999. Then he hosted in 2006 live on RTL 102.5 Whoever is there is there, Whoever isn’t there doesn’t speak. At the theater he was the protagonist of The Taming of the Shrew e Much ado about nothing.

In 2014 he began to dedicate himself to photography and for this reason he exhibited his to join the project Four eyes on the world. He recently led on TV2000 the program Mission Impossible to show the various disadvantaged areas of the world. Regarding private life he is married to an established woman in the political field.

Loredana Bonora – Romait.it

A wife as mayor

She is Loredana Bonora, the one who made him the father of a daughter. They live in Cuasso al Monte, precisely in Varese. To date, his wife holds the role of mayor of the municipality where they live. In the past, the correspondent from Striscia la Notizia had spoken proudly of the political career he had undertaken.

Everyone agrees that she is a beautiful womanas they represent one of the most beautiful couples in the world of Italian entertainment.

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2023-12-07 11:35:05
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