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The weather today, March 19th. The wind makes its presence felt all over the country

Saturday brings us beautiful weather, clear skies on the west side and a few clouds in the other regions. The wind intensifies in the east, in the southeast and in the mountains, and the temperatures remain low for the calendar date.

In Dobrogea and Bărăgan we have a sunny day, but with modest temperatures, of at most 4 degrees. The wind will intensify and increase the feeling of cold.

Above, in southern Moldova and northern Muntenia, good weather is forecast, with no precipitation, but the wind still has some starts during the day. Temperatures will be comparable to those recorded on Friday.

In the north of Moldova and in Bucovina, it is very cold in the morning, but the atmosphere becomes a bit more pleasant after lunch. The sun is shining; the clouds appear only transient and warmer than yesterday. Maximums reach around 7 degrees.

In northern Transylvania and through Maramureș, we find beautiful weather and clear skies. The wind will not cause any problems and the maximums will reach around 7-8 degrees.

In the west of the country, we have sunshine, good weather and temperatures comparable to yesterday. After noon, it reaches 9 degrees in Arad and Timisoara.

In Transylvania, the morning is cold, especially in depressions, and in Miercurea Ciuc it is minus 10 degrees Celsius. The sun gradually warms the atmosphere and temperatures reach 7-8 degrees in the west of the province.

In Oltenia, a beautiful day awaits us and it is a little warmer than yesterday. The clouds appear quite rarely and the noon brings us maximums of up to 10 degrees, lower values ​​than usual on this date.

And in the south of the country, the sun and a pleasant atmosphere are announced, but the thermal regime leaves much to be desired and we will have only 6-7 degrees around noon.


The weather remains cold in the Capital area as well. A sunny day awaits us, with active wind and at most 7 degrees in thermometers. We should be around 12 degrees. At night, the temperature drops to minus 3 degrees in the center, but on the outskirts of the city it will be colder than that.


In the mountains, we find sun and very low temperatures, even cold in the morning at high altitudes. There are some clouds in the Southern Carpathians and it may snow a little, and the wind will blow harder on the mountain ridges. There is plenty of snow on the slopes and skiing in very good condition.

Weather forecast for the next few days

In Bucharest, on Sunday, it gets a little warmer. The maximum reaches around 9 degrees, but this is also a lower value than usual. Clouds appear quite rarely, and the wind stays active during the day.

On Monday, the temperature rises to 11 degrees. We will have a changing atmosphere, clouds and a more insistent wind, which reaches speeds of 40 … 45 KM / h. It may rain the next night.

And there are still some rainy conditions on Tuesday morning. Then we see the sun a little, but the wind continues to shake the atmosphere and the temperatures drop slightly. It will be no more than 9-10 degrees after noon.

In the mountains, on Sunday, we have very cold weather, although the temperatures rise slightly. 2-3 snowflakes may fall, but overall it will be nice weather. In the high area of ​​the Eastern and Southern Carpathians, the wind will blow with 60 … 70 KM / h.

On Monday it gets a little warmer, and in the evening and after nightfall, in the southern massifs, some light snow appears. On the ridges of the Southern Carpathians and the Curvature, the wind will exceed speeds of 80 Km / h.

Clouds are still gathering on Tuesday and may flake in the Southern and Eastern Carpathians. Otherwise, we find beautiful weather and a rather insistent wind.

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