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The US urges the lifting of Iranian sanctions; European superpowers against BNN

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo

Washington has initiated a process of renewing sanctions on Iran in the UN Security Council, but Germany, France and the United Kingdom have opposed the US move, reports the British broadcaster BBC.

The latest developments in Iran in the UN Security Council were triggered by a US proposal to extend the Iranian arms embargo indefinitely, which will expire in October 2020.

The members of the Security Council rejected it. The United States then began a process to re-impose sanctions on Iran at the UN, which were lifted by the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, from which the United States withdrew in 2018.

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At present, Germany, France and the United Kingdom take the view that Washington has no legal right to propose the reintroduction of sanctions because the United States has withdrawn from the international agreement.

UN Security Council members have 30 days to pass a resolution to prevent the sanctions from being renewed, but the US Security Council has a veto, the BBC reports.

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