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The US again vetoes a resolution in the UN Security Council to call for a ceasefire in Gaza


The United States has again blocked this Tuesday in the UN Security Council a resolution to request a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, since it considers that “now is not the time” because it would not contribute to a rapprochement between the Israeli Government. and Hamas.

The text had been presented on this occasion by Algeria and advocated respect for International Law in the Strip and had already been received with reluctance by the United States, which had proposed an alternative proposal in which the call for a halt was put aside. the immediate fire.

Finally, the North American delegation has asserted its right of veto – for the third time on this issue – to overthrow the Algerian resolution with a single vote against. Of the other 14 member countries of the Council, 13 have voted in favor, while the United Kingdom – which also has blocking capacity – has chosen to abstain.

“Sometimes diplomacy takes longer than we would like,” argued the US ambassador, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, before giving effect to Washington’s ‘no’, claiming that the ongoing negotiations are especially “sensitive” and that The resolution “complicates these efforts.”

For her part, the British ambassador, Barbara Woodward, has demanded before the Council an “immediate suspension” of the fighting to move towards some type of agreement, but has questioned whether the text under debate is the formula: “Simply asking for a halt fire, as the resolution does, will not be achieved.

The Algerian side has promised that it will continue to seek some type of position in the Security Council “to stop the massacre.” “We will not stop until this Council assumes its responsibility and imposes an immediate ceasefire,” warned Ambassador Amar Benjama, who urged those blocking consensus to “review their policies and calculations.”

For the Russian ambassador Vasili Nebenzia, the United States position gives Israel a “license to kill”, while the Chinese representative, Zhang Jun, considers that the Joe Biden Administration is wrong in its position at a time when hundreds of Thousands of Palestinians live on the edge in the Gaza Strip.

Inaction on the part of the Council will likely trigger a new emergency session in the UN General Assembly, the body in which all member states of the organization are represented and in which no country has the possibility of vetoing any text.

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– 2024-05-11 21:27:28

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