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The Truth Revealed: Giorgio Locatelli and Plaxy’s Hidden Backstory

Giorgio Locatelli and Plaxy – IFood.it (photo by Pinterest)

Only now did she tell the truth about him. Up until now she has always tried to refrain from revealing it, but she has no longer been able to resist. But where was she?

They’ve been together for years, but there is a backstory to their relationship that has always been hidden until now. In fact, no one knew about it, except for the two of them.

All this time they have tried to hold back and maintain a certain confidentiality about what their relationship is. So far, chef Giorgio Locatelli seems to have succeeded, given that he has always been reserved with everything concerning his private lifebut it seems that his wife Plaxy however, he had some difficulty in doing so. In fact, she was the one he confessed everything and talked about her husband’s disappearance.

He did it during an interview. Pressured by the questions that were asked of her, she couldn’t hold back any longer and told this “detail” which concerns their relationship.

The thing clearly has caused quite a stir. Today they seem very close, given that they share both married and working life together, for this reason no one had ever thought that the chef at the time might even have disappeared. Yet it seems that things went exactly this way.

A tragicomic appointment

It is not clear why he did such a thing, but according to some sources, the disappearance of the chef seems to be due to the first date that he had with his wife, which seems to have turned out to be a tragicomic experience.

Since the chef had the day shift at the restaurant on the day he was supposed to go out with Plaxy, he had bought some flowers in the morning to give her and had kept them. However, with the temperatures in the kitchen we were limp and consequently they became dangling. Not to mention her, who during the appointment to cook something for the chef, he had prepared a sad vegetable soup! That embarrassing situation which it must have been.

Giorgio Locatelli – IFood.it (photo by Ansa)

Forced to look for him to hear from him

Fortunately today that episode seems to be just a thing of the past, but it seems that after that outing the chef disappeared and wasn’t heard from again for a while. After the appointment it was in fact his wife Plaxy a look for him to hear from him.

Today, however, they are closer than ever, although probably still today they continue to laugh about that first date that almost went wrong, but was certainly unforgettable.

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2024-01-03 09:30:17

#Plaxy #Locatelli #couldnt #hold #vomited #harsh #reality #husband #Giorgio #missing #iFood

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