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The Truth about Frankfurters: What’s Inside and How to Safely Enjoy Them

It has finally been revealed how frankfurters are made and how to avoid the risks to your health: here’s what you need to know.

Sausages of German origin are one of the most used foods in kitchens as they are highly versatile and eaten by both adults and children. However, not everyone knows what’s inside and how to eat them to protect their well-being.

What’s inside the frankfurters or frankfurters – L’Intellettualedissidente.it

In Italy it is rare that foreign foods take hold, yet i sausage or frankfurters are among those foods that have now become an integral part of our kitchens, so much so that there is someone who doesn’t even know their exact origins. Yet its diffusion in the “old continent” and elsewhere owes the credit to Germany and Austria. Hot-dogs or corndogs or frankfurters and sauerkraut are just some of the most used recipes for eating food.

However, as someone will already know, such a food does not have exactly healthy characteristics, even if it is part of our Mediterranean diet. The reason can certainly be its versatility, as they can be cooked in so many ways. But what’s inside the frankfurters? A question that comes up very often.

What’s inside frankfurters: here’s how to eat them

It is commonly thought that in reality inside the frankfurters there is the waste, in practice a waste mixtures. A vision that does not really differ from reality. There would be nothing wrong if they were taken from quality meat, but unfortunately this is not always the case and for this reason we must be careful.

Be careful how to eat wrüstel – L’intellettualedissidente.it

Going to see specifically, it is necessary to distinguish between chicken and turkey products and those of pork. Why they are made differently:

Chicken and turkey frankfurters: they are composed of 85% of meat that comes from de-pulping the carcasses and 15% of leftovers such as beef and cured meats.Pork sausage: they are the most valuable product because they have a higher percentage of pork paper than 85%.

It should be specified that there are good and excellent quality frankfurters, regardless of whether they are chicken, turkey or pork. The important thing is always pay attention to the label and make sure the meat percentage is always above 85%. The higher the percentage, the better the product will be. If you find the words “mechanically separated meat from” it means that the quality of the product is lower.

Another important thing to know is that i frankfurters must be eaten cooked: boiled, roasted, baked or in other ways. Although they are pre-cooked, you have to pay particular attention to how they are eaten because it goes beyond any popular belief they cannot be eaten raw. These foods they may transmit some harmful bacteria like listeria.

2023-08-24 19:15:12
#Frankfurters #finally #revealed #avoid #health #risks #mistake #Dissident #Intellectual

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