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the terrible discovery of WHO which has just fallen on the transmission

A collective of 239 scientists has carried out a study which proves that covid-19 is transmitted via tiny droplets that would stay suspended in the air. They sent a letter to WHO, so that this organization revises its recommendations upwards. Back on this major news in this unprecedented health crisis.

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WHO must review recommendations on covid-19 to protect citizens

Since the beginning of the health crisis, the WHO (World Health Organization) has guided its member states in the fight against covid-19. From the beginning, this organization maintains that this disease is spread through large respiratory droplets, which are powered by infected people who cough or sneeze. These contaminated drops would fall quickly to the ground.

In addition, WHO had affirmed, on June 29, 2020, that transmission by air was only possible under certain conditions, in particular after medical procedures that produce aerosols and droplets of less than 5 microns.

Since the deconfinement, many people have gathered in closed spaces, like cafes and restaurants. They are therefore likely to spread covid-19, a disease with the dangerous characteristic of creating numerous asymptomatic cases, which transmit the disease without contracting it. This could explain the emergence of clusters de contamination.

The 239 researchers therefore ask the WHO to act accordingly.

Researchers question WHO transmission conditions

These 239 researchers therefore questioned the WHO recommendations. According to a study, which will be published in the coming days, covid-19 would remain in the air.

More specifically, these scientists claim that the virus could be transmitted via small, much finer drops than those ejected by a coughing or sneezing attack. These tiny droplets would therefore remain in airborne and are likely to contaminate those breathing this contaminated oxygen.

To allow governments to adapt their health standards, this collective of researchers ask WHO to review its recommendations and to include this new feature. In this case, the member states would surely make mandatory to wear a mask in closed places and would adapt their sanitary legislative arsenal to make it more strict.

Source : LCI

Read also : China finds new virus that could spark pandemic

Learn more about: covid-19dropletstransmission

Posted by Salomee on 06 Jul 2020

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