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The temperature in Outer Space is Very Extreme and Cold, What is the Cause?

The temperature in outer space never fails to make people curious. How does it feel the temperature of outer space? Whether it is cold or hot?

Outer space is a place full of mystery. Not many people ever really visit there, because the risk is great.

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The conditions in space are very different with the Earth making it impossible for humans. Because basically, the Earth is the only place humans can live.

Planet Earth is the only planet that has oxygen. In addition, radiation from the sun is also restrained by the Earth’s atmosphere, so it’s not so deadly.

The level of Temperature in Outer Space Extreme

The technology space is growing make new discoveries that very help science. Even so, the vast outer space still holds many mysteries.

One of the most frequent questions is the temperature in there. In outer space, which our solar system are the Sun that became a source of heat.

In fact, in the Earth that in fact is not so close to the Sun already feel the heat. The heat of the Sun to the Earth is split apart and blocked by the layers of the atmosphere so that it does not turn off.

So, maybe the temperature in the space was very hot. However, it turns out that the perception of such a great one. The temperature of outer space is cold.

Outer space on the understanding is an empty space in the universe. The sun is a ball of gas fire which has a core temperature of 15 million degrees Celsius with the temperature of the surface of 5,500 degrees Celsius.

The temperature of outer space normally can reach minus 270 degrees Celsius. A NASA scientist named Elisabeth Abel is working on the Parker Solar Probe and study the Sun states that the system solar system has temperature extreme.

Hot and cold temperature in outer space have a difference very much. When exposed to Solar radiation reaches 150 degrees Celsius.

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The temperature is even hotter than boiling water. That’s why, astronaut that live out the mission of space flight will use a special suit.

The function of clothes is to protect the astronauts from radiation exposure as well as the temperature extremes of the Sun. However, the temperature of the heat is also not constantly occur.

The sun can conduct heat if there is an intermediary or medium. Heat transfer in the vacuum of space usually involves light.

If The Temperature Of Outer Space Is Always Cold?

The average temperature in space can reach minus 270 degrees Celsius. Because in space do not have molecules rub against each other, then the heat could get away with it and not stored.

That’s why, in the heat of the Sun in outer space did not last long. The objects are able to receive the hot has a high temperature, while that are not fixed will cold temperature.

The temperature in the other planets also be the extreme points. In between all the planets, only Earth has a stable temperature for humans.

On another planet, the temperature of the part exposed to the Sun and not different. The side exposed to the radiation from the Sun is during the day, while there is night.

The temperature difference the heat of the day and the night could reach 100 degrees Celsius, even more. This is because they do not have the ability to store heat.

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Solar radiation during the day will not be stored anywhere. So when irradiation stops, the temperature will be very fall and extreme.

Actually there are many things that affect the temperature in outer space. Mercury, the closest planet to the Sun is not the holder of the predicate planet is the hottest, but rather Venus.

The Planet Venus is in the second position of Mercury has the hottest temperatures up to 460 degrees Celsius. It is a result of the presence of thick clouds of carbon dioxide, that prevent heat out into space.

The Cause Of The Earth Can Save The Heat

Unlike the other planets, the difference in temperature day and night on Earth is not so extreme. The heat radiation of the Sun will be saved in the layer of Earth’s atmosphere is thick.

So, during the night and the light of the Sun cease to shine, the atmosphere would still give off heat that they save. As a result, the temperature in the Earth is still more stable than the other planets.

The difference in the average temperature on Earth is also only about 3 to 5 degrees Celsius. Different with the temperature in the outer space even more than the hundreds of degrees Celsius so it is very dangerous for humans. (R10/HR-Online/Editor-Ndu)

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